Der neue Codex ist seit gestern in der Vorbestellung. Am 28.3.2015 kommt er in den Handel. Man hört mittlerweile so einiges zum Inhalt. Ich habe hier mal die spannensten Punkte via Terminus Est zusammengefasst: Blood for the Blood God könnte für MSU Armeen ganz schnell unangenehm werden. Gegen ausgewogene Listen ist die Regel aber wohl nicht zu drastisch…
The main rule of the codex is Blood for the Blood God…
You generate blood points for every unit you destroy and for every unit of yours that is destroyed. Characters slained in challenges generate blood points as well.
At the beginning of your turn you can spend these blood points (effects lasts until the beginning of your next turn) for the following:
1 Adamantium will
2 Rage + Furious Charge
3 Feel no pain
4 +1A
5 Summon 8 Bloodletters or 5 Flesh hounds
6 Summon 3 Bloodcrushers or one Skull Cannon
7 One character becomes a Demon Prince (Ld test, if failed becomes a Spawn instead)
8 One character becomes a Bloodthirster (Same as above)Once you spend some of your blood points you loose the remainder. For example if you have 5 and spend 4 for Feel No Pain, the leftover point is lost.
Special axe – count the wounds inflicted with it:
1-2 +1S
3-4 Rampage
5-7 Sx2
8+ Instant DeathEffects are cumulative !
Special armour that gives you 3++ Feel no Pain and Eternal Warrior
Special rune that gives bearer Adamantium Will with area of effect rule – 24″ bubble if activated – all psychic tests peril with any doubles until your next turn
Special sword that gives you a blood point for every wound inflicted
Special helmet that gives you fear and any 6 to hit generates an additional attack
Axe – when bearer dies it becomes a Bloodthirster but and the end your turn loses D3 wounds (only invulnerable saves and FNP allowed)
The Blood Host –
Slaughter cult (1 HQ, 2-8 Bezerkers, Bloodletters or Chaos Space Marines in any combination)
1-4 Possessed units, 0-2 Spawn units, 0-2 Cultist unitsBenefits:
Reroll Warlord trait and generates 1 blood point every turn.
When spending blood points you can for free get another bonus with less value than the first one.Optional:
Lord of Slaughter: 1 BloodthirsterBrazen Onslaught: 1-4 units of Chaos terminators, 2-4 units of Bloodcrushers (+1A if opponent has more models in that combat)
Khorne Bloodstorm: 2-4 units of Raptors, 1-4 units of Warp Talons, 0-1 Helldrake (+1S for HoW attacks)
Gorepack: 2-4 Chaos Bikers, 1-4 Fleshhounds (Fleshhouds get HoW, and Bikers reroll to wound their HoW attacks
Charnel Cohort: 1 HQ (not a BT), 2-8 Bloodletters, 1-4 Fleshhounds, 1-4 Bloodcrushers, 0-4 Skull Cannon (Fear tests with -2Ld), if HQ is in reserves may reroll to arrive