I really wanted to make several Adepticon posts this year leading up to the event, during the event, and after the event. Several issues prevented me from doing such not the least of which were my daughter being sick the 4 days prior to my departure and then the obscene internet charges of the Renaissance Schaumburg. So, I'm going to post all of these articles now. Starting with the post about my "nearly" finished Nomad army.
Why am I attending Adepticon 2015? The easy answer is because I can. Because I haven't been in two years. The best answer is because I'm trying to grow the local Infinity community and the best way to do that is to branch out, meet members of other communities, and ask how they jump-started their own communities. Oh, and also to get my butt... errr... to play Infinity in a setting where I don't instantly know what people will bring.
So prior to leaving for Adepticon I've run into a bout of bad luck. Rather, my daughter has. She started running a fever Monday night and well, I was supposed to finish bases and final touch-ups on paint this week before leaving. Needless to say, my daughter is far more important so that will likely not happen. Anyway, I wanted to post some pictures of my Nomads that I am bringing to Chicago. I'll go more into my lists when I cover the specific events, but for now, enjoy the WIP and final pictures of the models!
Finished (Supposedly)
Not my best work by far but I'm still adjusting to painting true-scale miniatures instead of heroic scale. Also, the Reverend Moira will most certainly be repainted as I can't believe I simply painted the legs orange. She's supposed to be showing some skin!!!!
Come back for more coverage of Adepticon, the events I participated in, and then a wrap-up article. I'm writing them all today (Monday) but will be posting them each day this week.