This Adepticon held so very many firsts for me, it wasn't even funny.  They will all get their time in the limelight, but now is the time to address photo coverage of the 'Con itself!

…which I horribly neglected because I played in three straight days of tournaments.  See?  Two firsts right there!

I typically pride myself and this blog on being one of the top coverages, photo-wise at least, of the main events at Adepticon.  This year I dropped the ball on that severely.  Thankfully, the rest of the community did not.  Let's see take a look at some of the best coverage I've found!

First off, a sincere hats-off to everyone I'm about to link to.  Every single one of you deserves all the credit I can give.  If you have some great coverage and I didm' think to you, it was either because I couldn't find a credit to give and didn't want to post it without said credit given, or simply because I haven't found it yet.  If you have some coverage you want to share with your fellow readers, post it in the comments below!

Brian Carlson Miniatures covered the Infinity Terrain…which by the way, was amazing!

Infinity Terrain by Brian Carlson Miniatures

DIY Terrain has a great gallery of some random, but cool, things seen.  Everythign from massive pirate ships to titans and Crystam Brush Entries.

DIY Terrain Adepticon Photos

Fist Full of Seamen Covers the Historical Naval Battle really well HERE.

Samson Minis posted a couple great Photo-Dumps as well.

Photo Dump 1
Photo Dump 2

Spikey Bits always has some sweet coverage.

Adepticon Coverage Starts NOW!
40k Armies on Parade
Day 2 Armies on Parade
Crystal Brush Gallery

Tabletop Gaming News also has a great Crystal Brush Gallery HERE.

Finally, Greggles apparently made it his mission to capture as much of the convention as possible in digital format.  Serious kudos my friend, you took the cake here.

Tabletop: Miniature Beauty Shots!
Tabletop: Painting, Classes, and Community
Tabletop: Vicious Tabletop Combat! Prepare for War..Photos!
Tabletop: Warhammer 40K Championship Army Photos!
Tabletop: Warhammer 40K, Titans & Horus Heresy!
Tabletop: Warhammer 40K: The Friendly, and Team Tournament!

Like I said, if I missed something that you that was particularly spectacular, toss it into the comments below!  More Adepticon Coverage coming from me as well, including reviews of the new venue, the Infinity Tournaments and more!

- Tim