Hey all,
The anxiety is under control again and has been for a little while now, though blogging has been slow as assignments have bogged me down significantly. As such, nothing much has been done since the 9th or thereabouts. Currently figuring out what I want to do hobbywise.
As much as I want to finish an entire army by the end of the year, I also want to get a good red scheme for the blood angels, test out a scheme for Biel-tan eldar (and rescue that falcon grav tank from its paint job) then experiment with using miniatures I already have to make legal lists for all my 3rd ed 40k codices.
That and assemble a fucktonne (that's 10 fuckloads, 100 shittonnes or 1000 shitloads) of WHFB goblins. Oh and start on Super Dungeon Explore, that looks ace. Will also, also need to pick up some new spray primers. Ha, and of course, study. Given that all assignments will currently be submitted by Friday, this coming weekend will probably be painting some blood angels and a squad of grey kinnnnnnniggits (sadly, gonna cave and find an old 5-man box, as someone has the Daemon Hunters codex). Got a hankering to do some metallic painting. Plus having 20-odd metal IG storm troopers helps with the mandatory 1HQ, 2 Troops basis of an army.
Insert title here.
by The Warlock | Mar 26, 2015