While I was working on the test models, I'd done a test base using the flying stand from the set of resin bases I'd ordered from Fantascape to get a feel for what I had planned would actually look. I wasn't super happy with the grey slate from the test bases, and thought I'd go with a sandstone color instead, but still include a bit of the slate as a spot color on the inscribed areas sculpted into the bases.
I wasn't super happy with the marbled grey slate from the testers, and thought I'd go with a sandstone color primarily, and include a bit of the slate as a spot color on the inscribed areas sculpted into the bases. Add a bit of dark brown dirt in the recesses and we're good to go!
I'm nearing the initial painting stage on the assault marines - still have a few colors to go but wanted to get the bases painted to see how it sets off against the yellow of the models. Reasonably well I think!
I'm finding it's good to snap pics in various stages, as it helps point out steps that I've missed - totally forgot to wash and highlight any of the eye lenses. Gotta fix that in tomorrow's painting session!
I'm trying to decide on what to do on the right shoulder pads. It appears that in most of the color plates in the FW books the heresy-era Imperial Fists tended to bear the fist on both pads, with a single example that I was able to find wherein they bear the "VII" legion numbering - that's what these folks will get. Looks like I'm going to have to order a whole mess more sculpted pads from FW for the next couple units. Here's where not building the whole army at once comes in handy!
Heresy Era Imperial Fists – Basing the models
by Mordian7th | Mar 30, 2015