Hey all,

Since today is a public holiday and I'm on mid-semester break, I decided to grab out an old box of stuff and get to work on some hobby. As I've made clear in the past, I love old GW stuff. Evocative terrain/dioramas/scenario photos, non-hyper perfect paint jobs, characterful minis and so on. One could gush about it all day long. Anyhow, I had a box of 16 eldar guardians that was pulled down from storage -boxes of 16 dudes! Huzzah! One of those, the battalion/battleforce and a large kit would set you up for life!

Ahem, combined with a storm guardian conversion kit I set to work to have the Stormwind come to a neighbourhood near you. Dunno why though with the storm guardian conversion kit that:
a) Plastic SG and DG haven't been made
b) that there's only enough to make eight of ten, and that's including the special weapons (what if I want 10 ccw/pistols?)
c) Eight heads bearing the mark of Craftworld Ulthwe- I'm a Biel-tan man
d) The amount of flash and vanes on the FC stuff is redonkulous

I digress though.

The times when squishy dudes got sold in higher #
 Pulling them out, I set out clipping 'em off.


Oh man do I miss 16 box sets, these ones with 4 dudes to a sprue especially- hardly any extra bitz. Why do I like that? Minimal if no wastage of leftover unusable stuff. Sure there's a bunch of arms from spears/sluggas leftover but it's better than say...6 torso fronts, 20 weapons, 5 shields, etc (blightkings) that's chewing extra cash.

Due to GW's inability to add an extra frame of ccw/pistols, there's only enough to make 8 storm guardians inc special weapons. 2 extra chainswords and pistols would've been nice but eh, I got a little creative with this squad. Using the sword from the Shining Spear exarch and a grenade pulled from the guardian belts made SG #9 then dark elf cold one knight bitz were used for SG#10 (std bearer pieces).

 Being primarily white, the heads will be painted separately so I can spray them black first. Thankfully FC is easy to work with so the Ulthwe markings can be gently scraped away. It pays to note that I've another SG squad made from 10 guardians from the rescue lot. Had to real freaky on the ccw sourcing.

Gonna run both with one flamer and one fusion gun per squad. I was going to double up, but it leads to target priority as 2x fusion guns would be hit while 2x flamers get ignored.

New brushes will be acquired soon as the current ones are about to be interred into the golden brush holder.

The Warlock