This weekend has been April, but it's worth noting before I get on with reporting my March numbers that I wrote 9,200 words this weekend.  That's some astounding, eye-opening stuff for me!  I didn't know I could accomplish so much in such a short amount of time.  These three days have torn down barriers that my own pessimism and doubts had built and maintained since forever.  I poured 7,900 of those words into finishing the first draft of my novella "Invasion", which completed at about 31,000 total.  This will be the feature tale in triple-feature Dreams of Flying, which I hope to have published in the next month.

Now on with my monthly writing progress.  To get the scoop on this series of posts, check out my 2015 News Years Resolutions post and the January post here.  Otherwise, the rest of these monthly reports will be truncated to the stats alone, as below.

General Goal: 12,000 words per month (derived from 3,000 per week average)

* First Quarter, 2015: 39,550 words (exceeds quarterly goal of 36,000 words)

March:  - 11,500 words  (5400 on Invasion, 5600 on Ghosts of Chaucer)
               - (This is technically just below my monthly goal.  But the week that I did no writing at all was the same that I logged about 65 hours in with the Navy and moved my family from one house to another on my days off, so I'm okay with this total.)
               - 5400 of those words went into Invasion, and 5600 started a new novelette called Ghosts of Chaucer. This distraction I then put on hold so I could finish Invasion.
               - republished Puppet Theatre as a free preview of both the IDC and IDCU series
February:  - 15,400 words (9550 words on the novella Invasion)
                    - redesigned my blog
                    - submitted stories to magazines
                    - ebooks of Hungry Gods also sold very nearly every day during this month

January:  - 12,650 words (8550 words on the novella Invasion)
                  - published The Prince and the Darkness
                  - published Hungry Gods
                  - Hungry Gods release sold well beyond my goal, had a nice halo effect that reached pretty much all my other books, and all the accumulated sales were spread across SIX different countries!