"A broken blade can still kill, a wounded warrior can still serve"

Hey guys, it took me ages to finish this model but I am so happy with the outcome. This is my count as Gerantius/Errant in my House colors.
I took a huge leap of faith and decided to burn, cut, and melt one of the most expensive model I have ever bought just go get the authentic look I wanted. I don't know if that means I am an artist now or an idiot.

I damaged his shoulder pads by drilling into them repeatedly for the look of gouge marks from large caliber rounds. The knight has three skull marks on this back pad to denote kills of enemy leaders.

"I walked among gods and fell among men. This life is a gift from the Emperor to do his bidding."

 I really wanted this face to give off the vibe of the stoic warrior, wounded yet unflinching. Or maybe I have just watched too much Terminator 2. I can see a little Schwarzenegger in my knight.

I almost set my table on fire going for the battle damage on the right leg but it was worth it. I also purposely left off knee pads and a leg piece to show extreme battle damage.

I also cut his leg to give a walking pose. One of the back cables is actually base wire that I got from a friend. It looks almost identical to the originally cable but much longer and able to bend.

I tried to show intense heat damage from the melta cannon with have a fade effect from black, to blue, to purple on the end of the barrel.

My "Come at me Bro" pose.

I broke off teeth on the chain blade and I blame that on the book Betrayer. If Angron can do it,why can't my knight.

I just love the way the red and white shoulder pad look together. I am going to have to do a red knight at some point. Or just an army that has the deep red and white contrast.

 When I first made the model I was worried about all the color combination that I included but once I once I saw this top view I fell in love.The yellow of my 501st army really puts the knight errant at home as an ally.

As always I hope you all enjoyed the show, comments and criticisms are always welcomed. I have one more regular knight and a Castigator to complete. Expect those in the near future.