In amongst the hustle and bustle of work and family life, I crowbarred in some time to work on these excellent minis, completing them this morning. I know the open face mask is a polarizing piece, but I must point out that the kit comes with the option to use the open mask or a closed mask, so don't let my selection put you off picking up a set.

As I mentioned last time, it was Drew AridMonk Sturrock's version of these beasts that I saw on the Solar Auxilia Facebook page that inspired me. I loved his red so much that I had to add this squad to my army. For the second and third Ogryn, I had the opportunity to use a coupe of the Vallejo Model Air silvers (Gun Metal and Aluminium). I'll give you my thoughts on these at a later date.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy these guys : )

This should give you an idea of the size and bulk of these models. They are mounted on 50mm rounds, rather than 40mm rounds for the standard Ogryn.
