I finished painting these just prior to my surgery.  Yesterday I finally shot them with clear and photographed them.  24 Warlord Games Roman Auxiliaries.

I've decided that I have too many Romans at the moment with another two units built.  So I'm planning to part ways with some of them.  This will be one of the units that will be going up for auction on Ebay within the next couple of days, along with two units of 20 Early Imperial Romans from my collection.

 They are easy to paint models, not so easy to rank up, but they do look good.
I did cheat on the shields a bit and used the transfers supplied by Warlord Games.  The transfers do not however fit the shields easily.  Another of my many gripes about Warlord Games. 
Closeups of the guys in the middle.  Yep, I did not turndown the detail on them, they are the same as the front ranks.
The whites are all using Reaper Master Series warm bone paint triad.
 Enough Romans for awhile, I have a Mammoth on the Desk, and terrain.
Next up Vikings.