Sometimes miniatures comes to you in the strangest way, like yesterday. Anyone know what the thing on the pic it? Right - it's a katousche, the bit inside your taps, that controls flow and mix of hot/cold water. Also the part that's worn out when it start dripping. But what do all this have to do with AdMech you might ask! Well we had a few dripping tabs and it would take us 200 -300 £ to have them changed, I decided that was too much, and bought those spares instead. Even though I do not have much in the way of handyman skills, I managed to make the repairs without floddings or ruined sinks. Then came the magic point: the missus said "now you have some spare cash for little plastic men!" I was baffled, couldn't say a word - but I'm going to take her up on that!!!
How to make skitarii the alternative way
by Manus | Apr 9, 2015