Deep within the reaches of the Arcane Tower strange lights flicker in the darkness. Faint chanting and the smell of burnt fuses fill the air and the atmosphere around the tower is foreboding.

Lightning strikes the tower not once, but three times and the smell of burnt tin mingles with a new smell that lingers on the memory as if it was something from years gone by. Maniacal laughter fills the Tower halls. A door is slammed back to reveal a chamber with chalk outlines arranged in an alchemical pattern. Various now-used sacrifices and several bottles of unknown liquids lie discarded within the chamber, their purpose now fulfilled.

The maniacal laughter dies down. The formerly laughing figure frowns, did the plan not work after all? Without warning, the center of the alchemical circle flares light, forcing the figure to shield his eyes. Smoke fills the room, triggering floating blue crystals to spray water everywhere. The figure waves his arm in a dismissive manner and the smoke, water and light disappears to reveal...

...Formerly dead paints, brought back from the dead. The plan worked! Maniacal laughter once again fills the air.


Greetings all! Today has been a good day. Why? Because I have necromantic powers!

These guys above have been resurrected from Beyond and are now as they were when they were originally purchased (2006-12). Unfortunately I can't bring anything other than paint back to life under my command, but I'm working on it. Then my undead will wage war against Von's undead or I'll bend the knee and tea & biscuits will be served. Whatever works.

You will need the following for Paint Necromancy 101:

  • A stick, preferably an old paintbrush end to use as a homogenizer.
  • Some napkins, serviettes, etc. Something to wipe the viscera off the homogenizer.
  • These, or equivalent brands of Jo Sonja's Retarder Medium and Flow Medium (available in OZ @ Riot art stores, currently 50% off)

These are vital for Paint Necromancy 101
Now, open the lid or unscrew it, though unscrewing is easier as you're not taking minutes and that paint is nearly dried out in any case.

Our first recruit into the Army of Undead Paints
Now, depending on how much paint is left, and the extent as to how dead it is you'll need to add a minimum of 10 drops of both retarder medium and flow medium to the paint pot. 

Then, grab your homogenizer and stir both liquids into the drying out paint, ensuring that
a) you don't stir too fast but not too slow

b) the paint actually gets mixed in

Once the resulting mixture is smooth carefully wipe the homogenizer on the edge of the paint pot to minimise viscera being lost. If you have unscrewed the lid, screw it back on- you don't want it drying out, as that's why we're here in the first place.

Repeat with all dried out paints, but not completely dried out- acrylic paint once cured can't be resurrected. Think of a purified zombie- it ain't ever coming back. Add maniacal laughter to taste.

The Warlock

PS: Hopefully this is of use and you won't have to throw out your old paints. I saved a 9yr old bottle of Mithril Silver today so I'm real happy about that as I can't find a working equivalent anywhere.