Things started to get a little comical around Game 3. I was drawn against Ian Sturgess (he of the 'this list is dreadful, I don't know what i'm doing' mantra) and his High Elves. He had four (or possibly five) nobles and princes all flying around on Eagles, and despite his protestations knew exactly what they did. I picked my mission with the usual tactical brilliance (Game 3, therefore Mission #3 - Surgical Strike), set everything up in the corner and started to try and get Ian drunk so he would play poorly. I set up in a corner, drank Jaeger and cider (not together), cannoned off most of his flying guys and fought the frostie to death with the demis. Ian played a lot better than me, we both got our missions, neither of lost our fortitude and I beat him by about 400 or so points to win my third game of the day, again with a 12-8 scoreline.
Ian said that no one ever casts large comet, and then promptly cast it! Ended up being St12! Luckily the demis above had buggered off by then!

The rest of the evening was somewhat blurry, and apparently people were amused (and hopefully not offended) by my drunkeness. I know there was a fairly long and drunk conversation with Byron and Les from Facehammer about painting and whether or not my Arachnorok was dusty, and at one point I was definitely trying to get Neil Peckett to have a push ups and squats competition with me (he declined). All in all, it was a pretty good Saturday evening!

Sunday morning I woke up and filled myself with Nurofen, fruit and tea, and got to the venue feeling surprisingly chipper, much to the chagrin of the wargamers that had seen me falling about the night before. I rocked up to find myself playing Dan Wells, who had fully embraced the spirit of the event by taking two ghoul kings on Terrorgeists and then too normal Terrorgeists. I'm pretty sure he was unimpressed, but not surprised, when I chose Battle for the Pass and set up on the baseline!
This was taken just after the cannon had gone to work on one Terrorgeist. Only three to go....Urrrrgh!

The game actually was quite exciting. I got rid of two Terrorgeists through shooting and magic (including the general), and the Demis killed a third, but Dan played well and got two Banshees into the steam tank and used the third Demi to scream off the cannon. On turn six we both had two scoring units by one building, and I had five demis by the second building that had to pass a ld7 panic test after getting screamed by the remaing Terrorgeist. Luckily, with help from the gleaming pennant I held, giving me the #4 Secret Mission (Buildings), along with a 16-4 win as I failed to break Dan's fortitude.
You don't see this deployment every day, right? 

So, four wins out of four. Could the impossible really happen...?