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Nightmares come true! Hier eine der ersten Zusammenfassungen aus dem Codex via Warseer. Sie verheißen nichts Gutes für Turnier 40k…

Without much further adieu let us get this started. To cut through the Forum chatter I am just going to cut and paste the actual rules being posted, in no particular order.

Primaris: Guide (no changes)

1: Executioner: Focussed witch fire. 24″. Target receives 3 hits, always wounds on 2+. If target diez, another model receives 2 hits. If target dies another gone receives 1 hit.

2: Fatality: You re-roll to wound or to penetrate when firing at target unit. 24″
3: Will of Asuryan: 12″ bubble of Fear and Adamantium will
4: Fortune: As always
5: Mind fight: Mainly the same.
6: Ancestral Storm: Warp charges 3 (5″ blast), Warp charge 4 (Apoc blast), 24″, Haywire, wounds 2+

All Distortion weapons are Strenght D. All of them. But the scythes apply a -1 when rolling on the D table, and the strenght is considered to be 4 when calculating the instant death. Cost of units are the same as last edition.

Banshees add +3″ when running or assaulting. They igoner the I penalti when assualting through cover.

There are no “chapter tactics”.

Wraithknight is LoW (295 points), Jump gargantuan creature
Wraithguard/blades are not tropos anymore if taking a Spiritseer (Only Elites)
Crimson hunter basically the same, but 140 points only.

Sword + Shield: Free (Sword is Strenght D)
Solar cannon + Shield: Free
And the Wraith Cannons?
Is the equipment by default.

Shining spears have 4+ cover save if they moved the previous turn. 25/model. Lance is: 6″, F6, Assault 1, Lance. In combat: +3F when charging. Both are AP3.

Wraithblades: Same but 30/model and have Rage.

Hemlock: Same cost, has Lvl 2, can choose Daemonology (Sacred), Telepathy and Battle Runes. D-Scythes are a special D weapon as mentioned above,.

Serpents are 110 points, and shield is now: S6, Assault 2D6, Ignores cover, One use only.

No changes on Battle focus of the bladestorm rule. No hints on the Iyanden codex

Scorpions: 17/model, Infiltration, Stealth, and Shrouded until the fire of fight in combat
Warp Spiders: 19/model Monofilament rule has changed.They roll to wound against I, although the T is still used to calculate ID.
Hawks: 16/model, they move 18″, and when moving over a Flyer the can do a special attack. Hits on 4+, S4, AP4 Haywire

All Heavy Support Tanks coming Squadrons now.

Falcon: if Deep Strike, first Falcon does not scatter. Others are place at 4″.

Fire Prism: For each additional Fire Prism firing +1S / -1AP

Night Spinners: +1S for each Night spinner

Guardians: Same

Dire avengers: They overwatch with BS2

Avatar is LoW, but mainly the same

No more Malific Psychic powers!


The main bonus of the Warhost is that they always run 6″.


That’s a big one but lets go:

Guardian battlehost: Vypers, Warwalkers and Vaul’s support batteries get preferred enemy if they have a unit of Guardias at 12″. Guardians can purchase a Platform for free.

Windrider host: Once per game all formation gets Shred when firing shuriken weapons

Guardian Stormhost: Vypers, Warwalkers and Vaul’s support batteries get preferred enemy if they have a unit of Guardias at 12″. Storm guardians can purchase 2 special weapons for free.

Seer council: They harness Warp charges with 3+.

Aspect Host: They re-roll LD tests and get +1 to WS or BS.

Dire Avenger Shrine: Once per game, Shuriken weapons are Assault 3. +1 to BS

Crimson Death: Preferred enemy (Flying things), 4+ cover save, and if Jink, may re-roll the cover save.

Wraithhost: Get battle trance, if targe is at 18″ or less from spiritser, reroll to hit