It's been one heck of a week, Real Life(tm) has been kicking my butt so sadly not a whole lot of hobbying got done during the work week. However I did manage to get some brush time in over the weekend, and got the Tactical squad and the various characters all to the same stage and blocked in all the various parts that will end up being metal or black.
31 models in the batch this time around, which is pushing the upper limit of the number I can deal with in one sitting. Doing the blacking-in step nearly broke me, it's definitely the most time-consuming stage of the scheme, as I have to be very precise about the application. Once that's done however, all the remaining colors go on really quickly - definitely past the half-way mark from a time perspective on these models!
While I was at it I worked on the couple models that have unhelmeted heads. Pretty happy with how the terminator head is coming along, definitely needed to be painted separate from the model as it ends up really recessed inside the gorget and is hard to get a in brush to (as I discovered the last time I painted this model for the Iron hands).
Less thrilled with the other Praetor, he definitely ended up a little cockeyed. Gonna have to give his face some more work!
On the other hand, I'm really happy with how Alexis Polux's face turned out - definitely a beautiful sculpt to work with. Hopefully the upcoming week will be a little quieter on the work front and I'll be able to press on with the army!
Heresy Era Imperial Fists – Tactical Squad and Characters painting continues
by Mordian7th | Apr 19, 2015