- There's the aforementioned 360 spin tutorial to produce Games Workshop like images that the viewer can rotate.
- A little tip to use 5p pieces to keep Space Marine turrets in the tanks.
- A tip to create green-stuff cabling.
- A guide to make upright Necron Warriors that are taller than Space Marines.
- A very simple method to add rivets to just about anything you want.
... and just in case anything were ever to happen to it, I'm going to copy the code for the 360 spin tutorial here (all credit to DezartFox and The-Vanus-Temple, any errors are in my transcription).
Below is the code, copy and paste it into your post (note this doesn’t work in forums, as they don’t allow html etc to be used in posts), and edit the following:
<style type="text/css">
#Spin{ /*Change the size to whatever size you want to display the image at */
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.vostrel.cz/jquery.reel-edge-bundle.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
preloader: 73,
hint: 'Click and Drag',
frames: 33, /*replace 33 with the number of images you've used*/
opening: 3,
cw: true, /*direction of rotation, change to false if images spin the wrong way*/
entry: 1,
images: [
'image1 url', /*replace all the image URLs with the links to your images*/
'image2 url',
'image3 url',
'image 4 url' /*make sure there's no comma after the last image*/
<center><img class="jquery-reel-preloader" id="Spin" src="your image here"></center>
So, you have your photos, simply replace the image1 url parts with the links to your images, making sure to keep the apostrophes and commas. You can add as many photos as you want, as long as you update the number of image on the frames: line to the amount of images you have. Finally replace the your image here with the link to your image you want to start with (usually the first in the sequence), keeping the quotation marks.
I’ve used the code in blogger and wordpress, and it works on both of them at the moment :)
Code added to the post using http://codeformatter.blogspot.co.uk/