Can’t stop the spin! Wer heutzutage wirklich Schritt halten will, muss wohl seine 40 Stunden Woche damit verbringen, den Neuigkeiten von GW zu folgen. Kaum haben wir den Eldar Codex verdaut, kommt schon der nächste Hammer. Aber mal ehrlich, wer von Euch hat sich schon richtig ausführlich beschäftigt mit:
- Necrons
- Harlequinen
- Daemonkin
- Skitarii
- Assassine
Ich zumindest nicht. Aber macht ja nichts, Hauptsache jeder White Dwarf enthält eine neue Einheit, die schnelles Geld verspricht. In der letzten Woche hatten wir die Assassine, die wohl erst später so richtig in 40k integriert werden. In der nächsten Woche nun neue Ritter. Hier ist, was wir bisher wissen:
Imperial Knight Produkte und Preise (in Pfund)
- Codex Imperial Knights £25.00
- Imperial Knight Warden £95.00
- Datacards: Imperial Knights £7.50
Aus dem Video lassen sich diese neuen Typen von Rittern auslesen:
via BolS:
via Bird in the Trees 4-23-2015
- Both Knights are coming via a combined combo kit.
- Plastic kit will be released in the short-term, but the exact week is unknown.
- The Warden & Crusader will share White Dwarf only rules initially, with inclusion in a codex coming later.
- The new designs do not share the “turtle shell” carapace, and have a divergent appearance.
- Both models share an up-armored, brutal appearance compared to the Paladin/Errant model.
- Both share three weapon hardpoints, 2 arms and a top carapace mount.
- Both new Knights share a Heavy Support position in a Imperial Knights army list.
- Expect an Imperial Knights “Decurion” formation to be arriving with the new kits.
via Bird in the Trees 4-23-2015
- Crusader is armed with: Quake Cannon, TL Las-cannons
- Warden is armed with: Volcano Cannon, Multi-barreled Autocannon
- Both models have an optional top carapace missile launcher weapon mount, with multishot S8, AP3 anti-flyer capability
- Both models are protected by a single energy field based heavily on the rules for the Stronghold Assault book’s Void Shield Generator.
- Armor Values: Front:14 Side:13 Rear:13
- Hull Points: 8
- Both models clock in well above the cost of the Knight Paladin/Errant
via bird in the trees 4-25-2015:
Look for the following on the heels on the Assassins Game:
Imperial Knights are being redone:
Products include:
- New Codex
- New Cardset
- New Crusader/Warden combo kit
- Knight Transfer sheet (unchanged from last time)
Further Chatter:
- Contradictory chatter is talking about the possibility of some new kit bits being usable across both the new and older plastic Knights kits. Unknown if this is merely coincidence for aesthetic modeling, or perhaps may open up actual rules/gameplay opportunities…
- Look for a thicker IK codex with more content.
- Named character Knights are to be rolled up and included in the codex. (Gernatius and the Ebon Knight?)
via Faeit 4-26-2015
Three new Knights next week
– Knight Warden
– Knight Crusader
– Knight GallantThey are only weapon-swaps, not completely new
And last but not least, what may be the smoking gun from this week’s White Dwarf