I have a lot of pieces to put up here, but I want to start with Ax Faction. Why? Well.. because I got a photo of me standing in front of it with Paul. And having a nice little chat on how it is going with them, how the models are shaping up, and talking about the painters that they work with ( like Maggie! ).

So while there, and talking shop, I did also pick up a few pieces. These I have seen at a number of events in the past, but due to the crowds, or timing, or lack of funds I just never had a chance to pick some up. But with the crowd still outside ( mwuhahahaha.. sukkas! :P ) I was able to have a closer look and pick some out.

Victorian Darling was an immediate pick for me as I love the model look so much. But after taking it home I have to rethink it.. as it is soooo smallllllll... I have now the fear that I will break it while painting it with my massive Canadian bear hands... You might think I am joking but poor Alice suffered a few times while creating her..

Those are 1 inch squares behind her for scale btw. You can see how thin and tiny she be.

The pieces as a whole are also quite fine. There are some casting vents on the pieces, but it looks to be very well thought out here. Most are in spots that will not cause too much problems to remove, or show too much once assembled.

It is going to be a very intense little piece to paint up, and a bit of a challenge. But since it has the same feel as Alice ( which also was in Resin ) then I think we have another winner! Though I won't lie and say that I am scared of that cape!

My only question to myself at the moment is whether or not I use the base that comes with it, or attempt to try something different and make it into a small vignette... mmmm.. possibilities are endless with this one :D

Next up is a the Northfjorder on Brown Bear. Paul asked if I wanted him or the Guardian lady. But one look at the model ( pictured below ) and I could see him rampaging through a Canadian wilderness chasing down some rude Americans or something :)

Again this is a clean cast, and even the small skulls for the bear's necklace are well done, and the vents on spots that are not full of details. So they will clean off easily and quickly here.

The last model I grabbed from them was the Orc. Jack the Hack.

I am going to start off with saying that I am not as happy with this piece as the other 2 unfortunately. Immediately the first thing that I can see is that the resin is different. This one is more plastic/resin hybrid than the others. Am going to have to reach out to Paul to ask as to why the switch here.

The main reason I am not as happy with it this way is due in part to the fact that the face didn't come out as nicely as it could have in this material.

Now that being said, I do like the sculpt. Large volumes for painting the skin, and getting to play around with light/shadow potential. The sculpture reminds me heavily of Heresy's Boris pieces like the one I painted recently. Though this have a bit more of an aggressive pose going for it. Will be a good exercise in wet blending to happen on it as well. Am looking forward to that!

But the big things is for me to get back to showcase painting, and these will be nice pieces to work on. I hope to begin them at some point and especially on the Northfjorder and Bear! So much possibilities there!!!!