Its getting to crunch time where I have to start packing up the minis and the tools for the upcoming move to .... an unknown destination!  Still no word on where we're going... only that we are going somewhere soon! 

At any rate that meant trying to wrap up a couple of WiPs so I don't have to worry about finding them immediately on the other side.

Nertha is a great mini and very spooky!  While my Iron Empire is turning up mostly in purples I thought this undead mother would stand out from the crowd in blue and green.
 I used a lot of washes for this and a bit of subsurface freehand which worked on the armor but may have turned out just a tad too subtle on the hood and robes.  I have a couple of shots at it so I'll experiment with it and see how I can improve the effect.

Its still dialed into the Spooky faux Egyptian theme.  Its frayed and worn looking but colorful as well.

 The Foxy Dynamite Duo turned out to be heavy, especially after it turned out to be a tad top heavy and I opted to add a washer for better stability when playing on uneven surfaces.

This one is a Prison Pride Veteran. 

 The weight of the metal had me rubbing off more paint than usual when handling prior to sealing and will probably require touch ups a little more often than usual.
 More shocking blue hair!  Hair is such a dilemma...  I like the Tank Girl hair shock but If I get too many colors in a unit they look a little too ad hoc... while too few colors looks too uniform.  I'm thinking about using hair color as unit identifiers... I do that with my Dark Eldar and it is pretty handy.
 This one in regular urban colors and sporting a carrot top.

The base is very signature but retains some converting potential.  Looking at it now I see it would be easy to replace the wood stakes with a light post or damaged telephone pole.
 I'm off to start the packing.  I might get more painting posts in prior the move but its likely to slow down for bit... looks like I'll get back to writing stuff!