Hi folks, Scott here (@_wee_men). Seeing as I never post on here, I'd thought I would indulge us all in a bit of Friday List Porn for the imminent Call to War tournament.

This is being held in Bristol this weekend, and uses the ETC comp system, where each army is allowed up to 5 comp choices specific to their army book.

There should be a smattering of UK & Europe ETC players at this playtesting their new filth. Trev (High Elves), Les (Daemons) and Dave (Brets) from this Blog are playing too.

Link to the ETC army list comp here

Some cracking/interesting lists in here! Enjoy...........


Michael Gibbon 

Great Bray Shaman: General; Magic Level 4; Lore of
Beasts; Obsidian Lodestone; Fencer's Blades; Rune
of the True Beast; Mark of Nungle 340

Doombull; Arabyan Carpet; Talisman of
Preservation; Charmed Shield; Great Weapon; Heavy
Armour; Mark of Tzeentch 372

Doombull; Ramhorn Helm; Gnarled Hide; Sword of
Striking; Amour of Destiny; Shield; Mark of Tzeentch

Wargor; Amour of Silvered Steel; Ironcurse Icon;
Mark of Nurgle 145

Bray Shaman; Dispel scroll; Level 2; Lore of Beast;
Mark of Nurgle 145

40 Gor; Additional Hand Weapon; Full Command;
Mark of Nurgle 425
5 Ungor Raiders; Mark of Slaanesh; Champion 41
3 x Tuskgor Chariot; Mark of Khorne 270 (3x90)

29 Bestigor; Full command; Standard of Discipline;
Mark of Nurgle 451
5 Hapies 55
2 x 1 Razorgor 110 (2x55)

2700 Points

Luke Tranter 

Doombull: General; Ramhorn Helm;Sword of striking;
talisman of preservation; gnarled hide; mark of
tzeentch; heavy armour; shield 363

Doombull: Arabyan carpet; armour of destiny; mark
of tzeentch; shield 351

Doombull: armour of silvered steel; sword of swift
slaying; talisman of endurance; mark of tzeentch 345
Gorebull: Battle Standard; armour of fortune; mark of
tzeentch; opal amulet; shield 245

Bray Shaman: Level 2; Lore of Beasts; Additional
hand weapon; dispel scroll 137

Bray Shaman: Level 2; lore of beasts 110

6 x Tuskgor chariot: mark of slaanesh 510 (6x85)
2 x 23 Ungor Herd: Full command 260 (2x130)

2 x Razorgor Chariot: mark of slaanesh 300 (2x150)

2625 Points

Frederick Humcke

Doombull: Mark of Tzeentch, Great Weapon, Shield,
Arabyan Carpet, Armour of Destiny 366

Doombull: General, Mark of Tzeentch, Great
Weapon, Heavy Armour, Shield, Crown of Command,
Talisman of Perservation, Dragonhelm 368

Doombull: Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Gnarled Hide,
Sword of Swift Slaying, The other Trickster`s Shard,
Dragonbane Gem, Armour of Fortune 346

Gorebull: Mark of Tzeentch, Great Weapon, Heavy
Armour, Talisman of Endurance, Charmed Shield,
Battle Standard 248

Slugtongue: Lore of the Wild 190

Bray Shaman: Mark of Slaanesh, Lore of Shadows,
Dispell Scroll 105

Bray Shaman: Mark of Slaanesh, Lore of Shadows,
Chalice of Dark Rain 120

10 Gor Herd: Mark of Slaanesh, Musician, Standard
10 Gor Herd: Mark of Slaanesh, Musician, Standard
10 Ungor Herd: Musician, Standard , Champion 65
bngor Herd: Musician, Standard, Champion 65
7 x 5 Ungor Raiders: Mark of Slaanesh, Musician 266
5 Ungor Raiders: Mark of Slaanesh, 35

2 x 5 Harpies 110 (2x55)

2474 Points

Nav Hussain 

Doombull: Talisman of Preservation; Dragonhelm;
Gnarled Hide; The Other Trickster's Shard; Gouge
tusks; great weapon; heavy armour; shield; Mark of
Tzeentch. 378

Doombull: Armour of Destiny; Arabyan Carpet; great
weapon; shield; Mark of Tzeentch. 366

Great Bray Shaman: Staff of Darkoth; Chalice of Dark
Rain; Ironcurse Icon; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Shadow;
Mark of Slaanesh. 335

Slugtongue: Lore of the Wild. 190

Bray Shaman: Ruby Ring of Ruin; Hagtree Fetish;
Level 2 Wizard; Lore of the Wild; additional hand
weapon. 157

Wargor: Battle Standard Bearer; Horn of the First
Beast; heavy armour; shield. 166

3 x 10 Gors: Standard Bearer; additional hand
weapon; Mark of Khorne. 330 (3x110)
3 x 10 Gors: additional hand weapon; Mark of Khorne.
300 (2x100)
4 x 6 Ungor Raiders: Mark of Slaanesh 168 (4x42)

3 x 1 Razorgor 165 (3x55)
5 Harpies: Scouts. 70

2,625 points

Tom Uden

Doombull: Araby Carpet; Talisman Of Preservation;
Charmed Shield; Great Weapon; Tzeench 360

Great Bray Shaman: Lv4; Shadow; Fencers Blades;
Dispel Scroll; 295

Beast Lord: Gnarled Hide; Crown Of Command;
Armour Of Destiny; Shield; Tzeench 258

Wargor: Battle Standard; Blackened Plate; Obsidian
Amulet; Shield; Tzeench 172

Slug Tongue: Death; 190

4 X Tuskgor Chariot: Khorne 360 (4x90)
3 X 5 Ungor Skirmishers: Slaanesh 105 (3x35)
2 X 10 Gor: Extra Hand Weapon; Banner; Musician
Khorne 230 (2x115)

35 Bestigor: Full Command; Standard Of Discipline
2 X 5 Harpies: 110 (2x55)



Dave Fraser 

Bretonnian Lord: Virtue of Heroism; Sword of Swift Slaying;
Gromril Great Helm; shield; barded Bretonnian Warhorse

Prophetess of the Lady: Falcon horn of Fredemund;
Feedback Scroll; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Heaven;
Bretonnian Warhorse 335

Paladin: Virtue of Duty; Dawnstone; Enchanted Shield;
lance; Battle Standard; barded Bretonnian Warhorse 143

Paladin: Virtue of Audacity; Luckstone; Dragonhelm; Sword
of Heroes; shield; barded Bretonnian Warhorse 151

Paladin: Virtue of the Impetuous Knight; Charmed Shield;
lance; barded Bretonnian Warhorse 118

Damsel of the Lady: The Silver Mirror; Level 2 Wizard; Lore
of Beasts; Bretonnian Warhorse 155

Damsel of the Lady: Dispel Scroll; Level 2 Wizard; Lore of
Beasts; Bretonnian Warhorse 140

10 Knights of the Realm: Musician; Standard Bearer (War
Banner) 289
6 Knights of the Realm: Musician; Standard Bearer 168
9 Knights Errant: Musician; Standard Bearer (Banner of
Châlons) 211
6 Knights Errant: Musician; Standard Bearer 141
10 Peasant Bowmen: Skirmish; Villein; Standard Bearer 85

5 Mounted Yeomen 75
5 Mounted Yeomen 75

Field Trebuchet 90
Field Trebuchet 90

2,500 points

Kieran Searles

Bretonnian Lord: General; Knights Vow, Shield, Barded
Bretonnian Warhorse, Gauntlet of the Duel, Virtue of
Confidence, Birthsword of Carcassonne, Gromril Great
Helm 234

Prophetess of the Lady: Lore of Heavens, Level 4, Barded
Bretonnian Warhorse, 286

Paladin (BSB): Knights Vow, Shield, Banner of the Lady,
Barded Bretonnian Warhorse. Lance, 180

Paladin: Kinights Vow, Armour of Agilulf, Morning Star of
Fracasse, Barded Bretonnian War Horse, 126

Damsel: Lore of Beasts, Level 2, Prayer Icon of Quenelles,
Ironcurse Icon 135

9 Knights of the Realm: Gallant, Musician, Standard
Bearer, Banner of Chalons 250
9 Knights of the Realm: Gallant, Musician, Standard
Bearer, Banner of the Eternal Flame 250
9 Knights of the Realm: Gallant, Musician, Standard
Bearer, Gleaming Pennant 245
50 Men at Arms: Yeoman Warden, Musician, Standard
Bearer 277
10 Peasant Bowman: Brazier, Light Armour, Stakes 75
10 Peasant Bowman: Brazier, Light Armour, Stakes 75

3 Pegasus Knights: 165

Field Trebuchet: Yeoman Craftsman 100
Field Trebuchet: Yeoman Craftsman 100

2498 points


Rob Perrin 

Sorcerer Prophet (General); Lvl 4 Hashut; Chalice of Blood
& Darkness; Talisman of Preservation; Enchanted Shield;

Daemonsmith Sorcerer; Lvl 1 Fire; Dispel Scroll; 120
Internal Castilian; BSB; Great Weapon; Armour of Destiny;

Hobgoblin Khan; Giant Wolf; Light Armour; 54

29 Hobgoblins; Champion; Standard; Bows; 163
26 Infernal Guard; Full Command; Great Weapons;
Lichebone Pennant; 437

Iron Daemon; Hellbound 310
Iron Daemon; Hellbound 310

Hellcannon 210
Hellcannon 210

2399 Points

Rob Phipps

Sorcerer Prophet: Level 4 Hashut; Bale Taurus; Enchanted
shield; Black hammer of Hashut; Talisman of Preservation;
Potion of speed 615

Bull Centaur Taurk: Great weapon; Blackshard armour;
Dawnstone; Dragon helm 220

20 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard: Standard 250
20 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard: Blunderbuss; Standard;
Musician; Gleaming pendant 385

5 Bull Centaur: Heavy armour ,Great Weapons; Shields
Champion; Standard 295
Iron Demon: Hellbound 310

Kdaai Destroyer 325

2400 Points


Adam Lake 

Lord of Change: General; Magic lvl 4; Lore of Tzeench;

Exalted Gift 545

Herald of Nurgle: BSB; Razor Standard; Greater Locus of
Fecundity 205

Herald of Nurgle: Palaquin; Lesser Gift 165

10 Pink Horrors: Lore of Tzeench; Standard 140
10 Pink Horrors: Lore of Tzeench; Standard 140
24 Plaguebearers: Standard; Musician; Champion 342

3 Beast of Nurgle 180
3 Beast of Nurgle 180
3 Screamers of Tzeench 120
3 Screamers of Tzeench 120

4 Plague Drones of Nurgle: Standard; Musician; Plague
Probosis 260

2397 Points

Daniel Ford 

Keeper of Secrets: General; Greater gift; Greater gift;

Level 4; Lore of Slaanesh 580

Lord of Change: Exalted gift; Lesser gift; Level 4; Lore of
metal 570

15 Pink Horrors: Lore of Tzeentch; Musician; Standard;
Lichebone Pennant 230
10 Pink Horrors: Lore of Tzeentch; Standard 140
10 Pink Horrors: Lore of Tzeentch; Standard 140
10 Pink Horrors: Lore of Tzeentch; Standard 140

5 Plague Drones: Musician Standard; Banner of eternal
flame 305
5 Plague Drones: Musician; Standard 295

2400 Points

Hristo Nikolov

Kairos Fateweaver 565

Herald of Nurgle on Palanquin: Battle Standard; Razor
Banner; 185

Herald of Nurgle on Palanquin: Greater Locus of
Fecundity; 2xLesser Gift; 235

31 Plaguebearers: Full Command; Banner of Swiftness;
11 Pink Horrors: Banner; 153

5 Flesh Hounds: Ambush; 165
2 Nurglings: 80
3 Screamers 120
3 Screamers 120
3 Screamers 120
5 Furies 60
5 Furies 60
5 Furies 60

2396 points

Les Martin 

Herald of Nurgle: (general)Lesser Gift; Palanquin of Nurgle

Herald of Nurgle: Razor Standard; Battle Standard; Greater
Locus of Fecundity 205

The Blue Scribes 81

Herald of Tzeentch: Level 2 Wizard; Lore of Metal 125

Herald of Tzeentch: Level 2 Wizard; Lore of Metal 125

10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: musician; standard bearer
10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: musician; standard bearer
10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: standard bearer 140
21 Plaguebearers of Nurgle: Plagueridden; musician;
standard bearer (Banner of Swiftness) 318

5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne: Ambushers 165
1 Beast of Nurgle 60
1 Beast of Nurgle 60
3 Screamers of Tzeentch 120

3 Plague Drones of Nurgle: Rot Flies (Plague Proboscis);
musician; standard bearer 200
3 Plague Drones of Nurgle: Rot Flies (Plague Proboscis);
musician; standard bearer 200
Skullcannon of Khorne 135

2399 points

Martin Seed 

Lord of change: level 4 wizard; lore of metal; greater gift;
lesser gift 545

Herald of Nurgle: battle standard; greater locus of fecundity

25 plaguebearers: full command; standard of discipline 370
10 pink horrors of tzeench: standard bearer 140
10 pink horrors of tzeench: standard bearer 140

4 beasts of nurgle 240
4 beasts of nurgle 240
3 screamers of tzeench 120
3 screamers of tzeench 120

5 plague drones of Nurgle: musician; standard bearer;
gleaming pennant; plague proboscis 325

2400 points

Russ Ward

Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster: General 550

Daemon Prince: Daemon of Slaanesh; Chaos Armour;
Daemonic Flight; Level 3 Slaanesh; Lesser Gift 440

Herald of Slaanesh: Greater Locus of Swiftness; Level 1
Shadow; Lesser Gift 200

10 Pink Horrors: Standard Bearer; Gleaming Pennant 189
10 Pink Horrors: Standard Bearer 140
10 Pink Horrors 130
17 Daemonettes: Standard Bearer; Banner of Eternal
Flame; Musician 217

5 Beasts of Nurgle 300
2 Nurglings 80
5 Chaos Furies 60

Skull Cannon 135

2397 Points

Sander Hodes

Herald of Tzeentch: lvl2; general; 125

Herald of Tzeentch: lvl2; 125

Herald of Nurgle: BSB; Greater of Fecundity; 160

23 Plaguebearers: FC; Banner of Swiftness; 344
10 Pink Horrors: std; 140
10 Pink Horrors: 130

5 Beasts of Nurgle 300
4 Beasts of Nurgle 240
1 Beasts of Nurgle 60
5 Chaos Furies of Tzeentch 70
5 Chaos Furies of Tzeentch 70
5 Chaos Furies 60

5 Plague Drones of Nurgle: std; Gleaming Pendant 290
5 Plague Drones of Nurgle: std 285

2399 Points

Stephen Slatcher 

Lord of Change: (General); Level 4; Lore of Tzeentch;

Exalted Gift 545

Herald of Nurgle: Greater Locus of Fecundity; Battle
Standard Beater 160

26 Plague Bearers: Full command; Banner of Swiftness
10 Pink Horrors: Standard; gleaming pennant 145
10 Pink Horrors: Standard 140

5 Beasts of Nurgle 300
3 Screamers of Tzeentch 120
3 Screamers of Tzeentch 120

4 Plague Drones: Plague Proboscis 240
4 Plague Drones: Plague Proboscis 240

2400 points

Terry Pike

Kairos Fateweaver: 565

Herald of Nurgle: Palaquin; Greater Gift 190

Herald of Nurgle: Battle Standard; Regen Locus; Razor
Standard 205

Herald of Slaanesh: ASF Locus; Greater Gift; Steed of
Slaanesh 215

10 Pink Horrors: Banner; Gleaming Pennant 145
10 Pink Horrors: Banner 140
25 Plague Bearers: Full Command; Banner of Swiftness

5 Fiends of Slaanesh: 325
3 Screamers: 120
3 Screamers: 120

2395 Points

Tom Harris

Kairos Fateweaver 565

Herald of Slaanesh: Greater Gift; Steed of Slaanesh;
Greater Locus of Swiftness 215

Herald of Nurgle: Razor Standard; Battle Standard; Greater
Locus of Fecundity 205

Herald of Nurgle: Greater Gift; Palanquin of Nurgle 190

10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: 130
10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: 130
23 Plaguebearers of Nurgle: Banner of Swiftness;
Plagueridden; musician; standard bearer 344

6 Fiends of Slaanesh 390
5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne: Ambush 165
5 Chaos Furies 60

2,394 Points


Adam Jones 

Dreadlord: Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Dark

Pegasus; Charmed Shield; Cloak of Twilight; Ogre Blade;
Luckstone 304

Supreme Sorceress: Level 4; Metal; Dark Steed; Dispel
Scroll; Dragonbane Gem 270

Master: BSB; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Shield;
Other Trickster’s Shard; Dragonhelm; Dawnstone 157

11 Dark Riders: Crossbows; Shields; Banner; Champion
13 Dark Riders: Crossbows; Shields; Banner; Champion
10 Witch Elves: Banner 120
10 Witch Elves: Banner 120

Reaper Bolt Thrower 70
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70
29 Executioners: Full Command 378

5 Doomfire Warlocks 125
5 Doomfire Warlocks 125

2399 Points

Alexander Frenzel 

Dreadlord: General; Repeater Crossbow; Shield; Sea

Dragon Cloak; Cold One; Giant Blade; The Other Trickster
Shard; Dawnstone 281

Supreme Sorceress: Level 4; Lore of Life; Cold One; Ring
of Hotek; Dispel Scroll; Ironcuse Icon 325

Master: Battle Standard; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour;
Sea Dragon Cloak; Cold One; Talisman of Preservation

Master: Lance; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Shield;
Dark Pegasus; Cloak of Twilight 188

5 Dark Riders: Shields; Repeater Crossbows 100
10 Dark Riders: Standard; Shields; Repeater Crossbows
23 Witch Elves: Hag; Musician; Standard Bearer; Banner
of Eternal flame 293

11 Cold One Knights: Dread Knight; Musician; Standard;
Banner of Swiftness 375
Repeater Bolt Throwers 70
Repeater Bolt Throwers 70
Repeater Bolt Throwers 70

5 Doomfire Warlocks 125
5 Doomfire Warlocks 125

2398 Points

Andy Potter

Morathi (general); 375

Supreme Sorceress: Level 4; Life Magic; Ring of hotek;
ironcurse icon; dispel scroll; 300

Hellebron; 310

Master: dark pegasus; lance; heavy armour; seadragon
cloak; shield; cloak of twilight; 188

Master: BSB; heavy armour; seadragon cloak; shield;
repeater handbow; dragonhelm; dawnstone; the other
trickster's shard; 162

9 Dark Riders: Repeater crossbows; shields; banner;
musician; 200
9 Dark Riders: Repeater crossbows; shields; banner;
musician; 200
15 Corsairs: repeater handbows; banner; musician;
banner of swiftness; 200

15 Shades: full command; great weapons; 300
5 Shades: additional hand weapons; 90
5 Harpies 75

2400 Points

Chris Smith 

Dreadlord: General; Cloak of Twilight; Dawnstone;

Dragonhelm; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon
Cloak; Dark Pegasus 295

Supreme Sorceress: Level Four Metal; Scroll; Ring of
Hotek 295

Master: BSB; Charmed Shield; Talisman of Preservation;
Pegasus; Shield; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Lance

20 Corsairs: Full Command; Flaming Banner; Repeater
Handbows 260
8 Dark Riders: Shields; Banner 140
10 Witch Elves: Banner 110
10 Dark Riders: Banner; Shields 180

Repeater Bolt thrower 70
Repeater Bolt thrower 70
Repeater Bolt thrower 70
Repeater Bolt thrower 70
10 Shades: Great Weapons; Banner 190
9 Shades: Banner; Add Hand Weapons 172

5 Dread Warlocks 125
5 Dread Warlocks 125

2385 points

Craig Harvey

Morathi: General 375

Supreme Sorceress: Obsidian Lodestone; Dispel Scroll;
Level 4; Lore of Life 290

Master: BSB Talisman of Preservation; Enchanted Shield;
Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak 155

Master: Ogre Blade; Dragonhelm; Heavy Armour; Shield;
Sea Dragon Cloak 132

20 Darkshards: Musician; Shields 270
15 Witch Elves: Musician; Standard; Banner of Eternal
Flame 195
5 Dark Riders: Shields 85
5 Dark Riders: Shields 85

30 Executioners: Full Command; Banner of Swiftness 405
7 Shades: Great Weapons 126
Bolt Thrower 70
Bolt Thrower 70
Bolt Thrower 70
Bolt Thrower 70

2398 Points

Jamie McKenzie 

Morathi: General 375

Level 2 Sorceress: Heavens Magic; Dispel Scroll 105

Master: BSB; Heavy Armour; Sea Dargon Cloak; Shield;
Dragon Helm; Dawnstone; Warriors Bane 147

5 Dark Riders: Musician; Reaper Crossbows; Shields 110
5 Dark Riders: Musician; Reaper Crossbows; Shields 110
19 Darkshards: Full Command; Gleaming Pendent 248
10 Corsairs: Handbows; Musician 120

30 Executioners: Full Command; Standard of Discipline
5 Harpies 75
5 Harpies 75
5 Shades: Great Weapons 90
5 Shades: Great Weapons 90
Scourgerunner Chariot 150

5 Doomfire Warlocks 125
Kharibdyss 160

2400 Points

Jay Norman 

Dreadlord; Pegasus; Talisman of Preservation; The other

Tricksters shard; Ogre Blade; Shield; Heavy Armour; Sea
Dragon Cloak 307

Supreme Surceress; Lore of Shadow; lvl 4; Dark Steed;
Dispell Scroll; Ring of Hotek 315

Master; Pegasus; BSB; Cloak of Twilight; Lance; Heavy
Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak 213

5 Dark Riders; musician; Repeaters crossbows, Shields
5 Dark Riders; musician; Repeater Crossbows; Shields
28 Witch Elves; Hag; Standard; musician; Razor banner

28 Executioners; Draich; Standard; Musician; Banner of
eternal flame 388
Cold one Chariot 115
Cold one Chariot 115
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70

5 Doomfire Warlocks 125

2391 Points

Jørn Aspli 

Morathi: General 375

Master: Dark Pegasus, Cloak of Twilight, Heavy Armour,
Shield, Sea Dragon Cloak, Lance 188

Sorceress: lv 1 life, dispel scroll, Iron curse icon : 110

Death Hag: Cauldron of Blood, BSB, Obsidian blade,
witchbrew 380

5 Dark Riders: Mus, shields, Rep. xbows 110
27 Witch Elves : Full Command, Banner of swiftness 342
11 Dark shards: Mus, shields : 153

5 Harpies 75
7 Shades: Extra Hand weapon 126
19 Black Guard: Full Command, Razor Standard 360
War Hydra: Fiery Breath 180

2399 Points

Marcus Lake

Dreadlord: Dark steed: Giant blade: Dawnstone: dragon

helm: Sea dragon cloak: crossbow 271

Dreadlord: Dark Pegasus: Ogre blade: cloak of twilight:
Luckstone: Sea dragon cloak: heavy armour: shield 302

Supreme Sorceress: Level 4 Metal: Dispel scroll 245

Master: Battle standard: Enchanted shield: sword of might:
Repeater crossbow: Sea dragon cloak: heavy armour 130

Master: Dark Pegasus: Charmed shield: talisman of
preservation: sea dragon cloak: lance: heavy armour 176

12 Corsairs: Handbows; Full command: Banner of Eternal
Flame 172
5 Dark Riders: Crossbows: Shields 100
10 Witch elves 110
10 Witch elves 110
9 dark riders: Crossbows; shields: Banner 190
17 shades: banner; great weapons 316

5 Doomfire warlocks: Champion 135
5 Doomfire warlocks 125

2398 points

Mike Silvester 

General. Dreadlord: Pegasus, SDC, Heavy Armour,

Lance, Cloak of Twighlight, Spell Shield, Dawn Stone. 306

Supreme Sorceress: Level 4 Shadow, Dark Steed, Dispel
Scroll, Obsidian Trinket. 280

Hellebron 310

Death Hag: BSB, Cauldron of Blood 300

5 Dark Riders: Shield, Banner 95
5 Dark Riders: Shield, Banner 95
34 Witch Elves: Full Command, Razor Standard 449

Bolt Thrower 70
Bolt Thrower 70
Bolt Thrower 70
Bolt Thrower 70

10 Warlocks: Master 260

2375 Points

Mike Ralph 

Dreadlord: Ogre Blade; Talisman of Endurance; Heavy

Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Cold One; General 249

Supreme Sorceress: Talisman of Preservation; Dispel
Scroll; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Beasts 290

Master: Dawnstone; Heavy Armour; Halberd; Sea Dragon
Cloak; Cold One; Battle Standard Bearer 144

Master: Obsidian Amulet; Heavy Armour; Halberd; Sea
Dragon Cloak; Shield; Dark Steed 124

10 Witch Elves: Musician 120
5 Dark Riders: Repeater Crossbow; Shield; Herald;
Musician; Standard Bearer 130
18 Darkshards: Guardmaster; Musician; Standard Bearer
(Gleaming Pennant) 251
5 Dark Riders: Repeater Crossbow; Shield; Herald;
Musician; Standard Bearer 130

8 Cold One Knights: Dread Knight; Musician; Standard
Bearer 270
Scourgerunner Chariot 150
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70

10 Doomfire Warlocks: Master of Warlocks 260

2,398 points

Tony Moore

Supreme Sorceress: Ring of Hotek; Level 4 Wizard; Lore

of Light 270

Supreme Sorceress: Talisman of Preservation; Power
Stone; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Death; Dark Steed 305

Master: Ogre Blade; Charmed Shield; heavy armour;
lance; brace of repeater handbows; Sea Dragon cloak;
Dark Pegasus; Battle Standard 216

Death Hag: Obsidian Blade; Witchbrew 165

Sorceress: Dispel Scroll; Level 1 Wizard; Lore of Light 105

6 Dark Riders: shields; repeater crossbows; musician;
standard bearer 140
6 Dark Riders: shields; repeater crossbows; musician;
standard bearer 140
6 Dark Riders: shields; repeater crossbows; musician;
standard bearer 140
13 Witch Elves: Hag; musician; standard bearer; Banner
of Eternal Flame 183

Reaper Bolt Thrower 70
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70
Reaper Bolt Thrower 70
6 Shades: great weapons; standard bearer 118
24 Black Guard of Naggarond: Tower Master; musician;
standard bearer; Banner of Swiftness 405

2,397 points


Chris Thompson

Lord: Shieldbearers; Dwarf Pistol; Shield; Rune Of
Preservetion; 3x Runes Of Warding; 2x Runes Of Iron;
Rune Of Striking 319

Thane: BSB; Shield; Dwarf Pistol; Master Rune Of
Grungni; Strollaz` Rune 194

Runesmith: 2x Runes Of Spellbreaking 105

Runesmith: Master Rune Of Balance; Rune Of
Spellbreaking 135

30 Longbeards: Standard; Shields; Strollaz` Rune; Rune
Of Sanctuary 450
10 Quarrellers: Standard; Greatweapons 150

30 Hammerers: Keeper Of The Gate; Musician; Standard;
Gyrocopter 80
Gyrocopter 80
Gyrocopter 80

20 Irondrakes: Musician; Standard; Strollaz` Rune 355

2398 Points

 James Joynson 

Runesmith: General; Shield; Rune Of Fire; Rune Of

Stone; Rune Of The Furnace; 2 Runes Of Spellbreaking

Grim Burlokkson 165

Runesmith: Shield; Rune Of Speed; Rune Of Stone; 2
Runes Of Spellbreaking 118

Thane: Great Weapon; Battle Standard; Master Rune Of
Grungni; Strollaz' Rune 191

12 Thunderers: Shields 156
28 Longbeards: Great Weapons; Musician; Standard
Bearer; Rune Of Stoicism 447

Gyrocopter 80
Gyrocopter 80
Gyrocopter 80
Gyrocopter 80
Cannon: Rune Of Forging 145
Cannon: Rune Of Forging; Rune Of Burning

19 Irondrakes: Ironwarden; Brace Of Drakefire Pistols;
Musician; Standard Bearer; Rune Of Stoicism; Rune Of
Sanctuary 365
5 Rangers 70
Organ Gun: Rune Of Accuracy 145

2,400 Points

Tom Bozek

Master Engineer: Rune of Stone 75

Master Engineer: Rune of Stone 75

Runesmith General: Shield; Rune of Stone; Rune of Fire;
Rune of the Furnace; 2 x Rune of Spellbreaking 128

Runesmith: Shield; Rune of Stone; 2 x Rune of
Spellbreaking 113

Thane BSB: Shield; Master Rune of Grungi 153

26 Longbeards: Great Weapons; Full command; Rune of
Stoicism 429
14 Quarrellers: Shields; Full Command 212

Cannon: Rune of Forging 145
Cannon: Rune of Forging; Rune of Burning 150
Grudge Thrower: Rune of Accuracy; Rune of Penetrating
Gyrocopter 80
Gyrocopter 80
Gyrocopter 80

16 Irondrakes: Full Command; 2 x Rune of Slowness 320
Organ Gun: Rune of Accuracy 145
5 Rangers 70

2400 points

Stewart Callander

Lord: Master Rune Of Snorri Spangelhelm; Rune Of The

Furnace; Rune Of Warding(X3); Rune Of Parrying; Rune
Of Might; Shieldbearers; Shield 313

Master Engineer: 70

Master Engineer: 70

Runesmith: Rune Of Spellbreaking; Rune Of Stone; Shield

Runesmith: Rune Of Spellbreaking(X2);Rune Of Stone;
Shield; Rune Of Furnace 118

Thane: Master Rune Of Gromril; Rune Of Iron(X2);BSB;
Great Weapon 171

20 Longbeards: Great Weapons; Musician; Standard
Bearer; Banner Of Stoicism 335
19 Quarrellers; Great Weapons; Standard Bearer 276

Cannon: Rune Of Forging 145
Grudge Thrower: Rune Of Penetrating 120
Gyrocopter: Steamgun 80
21 Hammerers: Musician; Standard Bearer 314

Organ Gun: Rune Of Accuracy 145
Organ Gun: Rune Of Accuracy; Rune Of Burning 150

2400 Points


Andy Adams 

Karl Franz: General, Barded Warhorse, Ghal Maraz 394

Battle Wizard Lord: Level 4 Wizard, Lore of Heavens,
Warhorse, Dispel Scroll 243

Luthor Huss 155

Captain of the Empire: Battle Standard Bearer, Full Plate
Armor, Charmed Shield, Barded Warhorse, Sword of AntiHeroes,
Luckstone, Potion of Speed 152

15 Inner Circle Knights: Full Command, Razor Banner,
10 Archers: Marksman 80
10 Archers 70

4 Demigryph Knights: Standard 242
Great Cannon 120

Steam Tank 250
Hellblaster Vollygun 120
Hellblaster Vollygun 120

2396 Points

Chris White 

Arch Lector: Talisman of Preservation; Charmed Shield;
Van Horstmann's Speculum; War Altar of Sigmar; great
weapon; heavy armour 349

Battle Wizard Lord: Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Heavens 200

Captain of the Empire: Warrior Bane; heavy armour; Battle
Standard 92

Battle Wizard: Dispel Scroll; Lore of Light 90

Battle Wizard: Scroll of Shielding; Lore of Light 80

45 Halberdiers: Sergeant; musician; standard bearer 300
 15 Spearmen 75
 5 Archers 35
5 Empire Knights: musician 120
10 Archers 70

4 Demigryph Knights: standard bearer (Gleaming
Pennant) 247
4 Demigryph Knights: standard bearer 242
Great Cannon 120

Steam Tank 250
Celestial Hurricanum 130

2,400 points

Dom Pemberton

ArchLector: General; Great Weapon; Armour of Meteoric

Iron; Dawnstone; Other Tricksters Shard 195

Level 4 Battle Wizard Lord: Lore of Beasts; Sceptre of
Stability; Talisman of Endurance 245

Level 4 Battle Wizard Lord: Lore of Heavens; Dispel Scroll;
Opal Amulet 240

Captain: BSB; Plate Armour; Shield; Talisman of
Preservation 138

Witch Hunter 50
38 Crossbows: FC 381
 Detachment of 12 Archers 84
 Detachment of 5 Archers 35
10 Crossbows: Champion; Banner 110

4 Demigryph Knights: Champion; Banner; Gleaming
Pennant 257
3 Demigryph Knights: Musician 184
Great Cannon 120
Great Cannon 120

Steam Tank 250


Dave Musgrave 

General of the Empire: General, Armour of Destiny,

Obsidian Lodestone, Ironcursed Icon, Barded Warhorse,
Pistol, Shield 227

Grand Master: Runefang, Charmed Shield, Potion of
Speed, Luckstone 255

Luther Huss 155

Captain: Battle Standard Bearer, Dawnstone, Dragonhelm,
Barded Warhorse, Plate, Great Weapon 148

Wizard: Shadows, Extra Level, Dispel Scroll, Barded
Warhorse 141

Priest: Van Horstmann's Speculum, Enchanted Sheild,
Dragonbane Gem, Barded Warhorse, Heavy Armour 133

13 Knights Of The Inner Circle: Full Command, Ranger
Standard 405
5 Knights: 110
5 Knights: 110

10 Reiksguard Knights: Full Command, Razor Standard
3 Demigryphs: Standard, Banner of Eternal Flame 194
3 Demigryphs: 174

2397 Points

Yannic Titgemeyer

Grand Master: Shield, Runefang, The other Trickster's
Shard 259

Karl Franz: General, Ghal Maraz, Steed, Barding 394
Kurt Helborg: 320

Marius Leitdorf: 220

Luthor Huss, Prophet of Sigmar: 155

Ludwig Schwarzhelm: 185

5 Knights of the Order: Lances, Musician, Standard 130
5 Knights of the Order: Lances, Musician 120
12 Knights of the Order: Lances, Knights of the Inner
Circle, Musician, Standard, Champion, Steel Standard: 365

Steam Tank: 250

2398 Points

Alexander von Zelewski

Grand Master: Shield, Runefang, The other Trickster's

Shard 259

Karl Franz: General, Ghal Maraz, Steed, Barding 394

Kurt Helborg: 320

Marius Leitdorf: 220

Luthor Huss, Prophet of Sigmar: 155

Ludwig Schwarzhelm: 185

5 Knights of the Order: Lances, Musician, Standard 130
5 Knights of the Order: Lances, Musician 120
12 Knights of the Order: Lances, Knights of the Inner
Circle, Musician, Standard, Champion, Steel Standard: 365

Steam Tank: 250

2398 Points

Jack Armstrong 

Battle Wizard Lord: Power Stone, Level 4, Light 220

Battle Wizard Lord: Sceptre of Stability, Level 4, Heaven

Arch Lector: General, Charmed Shield, Heavy Armour 109

Captain of the Empire: BSB 85

Battle Wizard: Light Dispel Scroll 90

40 Halberdiers: Full Command 270
Detachment: 10 Archers 70
Detachment: 5 Archers 35

15 Spearmen: Full Command 105
5 Knightly Order: Standard 120

4 Demi's: Standard, Gleaming Pendant 247
4 Demi's: 232
4 Demi's: 232
Cannon 120

Tank 250

2,400 Points

Matthew Sewell 

Karl Franz: Ghal Maraz; Warhorse; Barding 394

Battle Wizard: Level 4 upgrade; Lore of Light; Dispel Scroll;
Opal Amulet; Featherfoe Torc; Warhorse; Barding 299

Captain of the Empire: Full Plate; Shield; Lance; BSB;
Warhorse; Barding; The White Cloak of Ulric 166

Wizard: Level 2 upgrade; Lore of Light; Van Horstmann's
Speculum; Dragon Bane Gem; Warhorse; Barding 161

5 Knightly Order: Standard 120
15 Knightly: Full Command Group 360
5 Knightly Order: Standard 120
10 Reiksguard Knights: Standard; Musican 290

Great Cannon 120
Great Cannon 120

Steam Tank 250

2400 Points

Rory Searles

General of the Empire: General, Full Plate, Warhorse,

Barding, Shield, White Cloak of Ulfric 181

Battle Wizard Lord: Lore of Life, Level 4, Dispel Scroll 225

Captain of the Empire: Battle Standard Bearer, Armour of
the Silvered Steel 130

Wizard: Lore of Metal,Iron Curse Icon 70

Warrior Priest: Heavy Armour, Fencers Blades, Potion of
Spead 107

40 Halberdiers: Champion, Musician, Standard, (270 )
 20 Handgunners 180
 10 Archers 70
12 Knights: Preceptor, Musician, Standard Bearers 294

4 Demigryph Knights: Halberds 232
Great Cannon 120
7 Outriders 147

Helblaster Volley Guns 120
Steam Tank: 250

2396 points

John Barr 

Wizard Lord: General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Life; Dispel

Scroll 225

Wizard Lord: Magic Level 4; Lore of Light 200

Battle Wizard: Lore of Light 65

Captain of the Empire: Full Plate Armour; Lance; Pegasus;
Charmed Shield; Dawn Stone 148

Captain of the Empire: Full Plate Armor; Battle Standard;
Ironcurse Icon 96

40 Halberdiers: Halberd; Light Armour; Standard; Musician;
Sergeant 270
10 Archers 70
5 Knightly Orders: Standard; Musician 130
5 Knightly Orders: Standard; Musician 130

Great Cannon 120
Great Cannon 120
7 Demigryph Knights: Standard; Musician; Preceptor;
Banner of the Eternal Flame 446

Celestial Hurricanum 130
Steam Tank 250

2400 Points

William Morriss

General of The Empire: General; Full Plate Armour;

Warhorse; Barding; Sword of Anti-Heroes; Charmed Shield;
The White Cloak of Ulric; The Other Trickster's Shard 228

Battle Wizard Lord: Magic Level 4; Lore of Light; Dispel
Scroll 225

Captain of The Empire: Lance; Full Plate Armour; Shield;
Warhorse; Barding; Battle Standard Bearer; Dawnstone 141

Witch Hunter: Brace of Pistols 55

45 Halberdiers: Sergeant; Standard Bearer; Musician 300
45 Halberdiers: Sergeant; Standard Bearer; Musician 300

4 Demigryph Knights: Standard Bearer 242
4 Demigryph Knights: Standard Bearer 242
4 Demigryph Knights: Standard Bearer 242
10 Reiksguard Knights: Reikscaptain; Standard Bearer;
Standard of Discipline 305
Great Cannon 120

2400 Points


Colin Power 

Archmage: lvl 4 light, sceptre of stability, ironcurse icon 240

Loremaster: sword of anti heroes, shield of the merwyrm,
book of hoeth 330

Mage: lvl 1 light scroll 110

Noble: BSB GW, DA, Flaming banner 119

15 archers: full command 180
5 reavers: bows 85
5 reavers: bows 85
5 Silverhelms: shields banner 125
5 Silverhelms: shields banner 125

27 White Lions: full com botwd 431

Eagle 50
Bolt Thrower 70
Bolt Thrower 70
Bolt Thrower 70
Bolt Thrower 70
Frosty 240

2400 Points

Ian Sturgess 

Anointed of Asuryan: Khaine's Ring of Fury; Enchanted

Shield; Dragonbane Gem; Giant Blade; Frostheart Phoenix

Prince: Star Lance; The Other Tricksters Shard; Talisman
Of Preservation; Dragonhelm; great weapon; heavy armour;
shield; lion cloak; Eagle 261

Archmage: Golden Crown of Atrazar; Dispel Scroll; Level 4
Wizard; Lore of Heavens 255

Noble: Armour Of Destiny; lance; shield; lion cloak; Battle
Standard; Great Eagle 207

15 Archers: musician; standard bearer 170
15 Archers: musician; standard bearer 170
5 Silver Helms: shields; High Helm; musician; standard
bearer 145
5 Silver Helms: shields; High Helm; musician; standard
bearer 145

Frostheart Phoenix 240
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70

2,398 points

Jacques van der Puil

Prince, General, Heavy Armour, Barded Elf Steed, Ogre

Blade, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation,
Ironcurse Icon, 268

Prince, Heavy Armour, Shield, Barded Elf Steed, Giant
Blade, Dragonhelm, Dawn Stone, 271

Archmage, Lvl 4, Death, Elf Steed, Obsidian Lodestone,
Crown of Command, Sceptre of Stability, 335

Noble, BSB, Dragon Armour, Shield, Barded Elf Steed,
Golden Crown of Atrazar, 132

Mage, Lvl 2, Death, Elf Steed, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of
Ruin, 180

18 Silver Helms, FCG, Shield, 444
5 Ellyrian Reavers, Bow(swap), Standard, 95
5 Ellyrian Reavers, Bow(swap), Standard, 95

1 Frostheart Phoenix, 240
1 Frostheart Phoenix, 240
1 Great Eagle, 50
1 Great Eagle, 50

2400 Points

Johannes Mohr 

Prince: General; Star Dragon; Heavy Armour; Shield; Sword

of Might; The Other Trickster’s Shard; Talisman of
Preservation; Dragon Helm 629

Archmage; Lvl 4; Lore of high magic; Ironcurse Icon; Dispell
Scroll 250

Lothern Sea Helm; BSB; Reaver Bow; Potion of Strenght

19 Archer; Standard; Musician; Champion 220
5 Elyrian Reaver; Bows 85
5 Elyrian Reaver; Champion 90
5 Elyrian Reaver 80
5 Silver Helms; Shields; Champion 125

26 White Lions; Standard; Musician; Champion; Banner of
the world dragon 418

Repeater Bolt Thrower 70
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70
Great Eagle 50

2397 points

Liam Wordsworth 

Prince: Barded Elven Steed: General, Dragon Armour,

Shield of Merwyrn , Giant Blade, Dawnstone, 287

Archmage: Barded Elven Steed: Level 4, High, Crown of
Command, Dispel Scroll, Warrior Bane 312

Noble: Barded Elven Steed: BSB, Dragon Armour, Sword of
Might, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone, Potion of Strength, 170

Noble: Barded Elven Steed: Dragon Armour, Star Lance,
Charmed Shield, Golden Crown of Atrazar, Potion of
Foolhardiness, 145

5 Ellyrian Reavers: Bow, 95
5 Ellyrian Reavers: Bow, 95
15 Archers: Musician, 160
15 Archers: Musician, 160
10 Archers: Musician, 110

11 Dragon Princes: FCG, Banner of the World Dragon, 399

Frostheart Phoenix 240
10 Sisters of Averlorn 140
Great Eagle 50
Great Eagle 50

2399 Points

Matt Valenchykovski

Loremaster of Hoeth: Army General

Great Weapon, Heavy armour, Deflect Shots, Level 2
Wizard, Talisman of Preservation, Book of Hoeth 330

Lothern Sea Helm: Battle Standard Bearer
Spear, Light armour, Shield, Naval Discipline, Windrider,
Sword of Anti-Heroes, Shield of the Merwyrm 170

Handmaiden of the Everqueen: Spear, Bow of Avelorn,
Light armour, Quicksilver Shot, Reaver Bow, Charmed
Shield, Potion of Strength 145

30 Lothern Sea Guard: Bow, Spear, Light armour, Shield,
Sea Master, Musician, Standard Bearer 390
16 Silver Helms: Ilthmar Barding, Lance, Elven steeds,
Heavy armour, Shield, High Helm, Standard Bearer,
Musician 398

21 Sword Masters of Hoeth: Heavy armour, Great
Weapon, Bladelord, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of
the World Dragon 353
Lothern Skycutter: Spear, Bow, Eagle Eye Bolt Thrower

21 Sisters of Avelorn: Bow of Avelorn, Light armour, High
Sister 304
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70
Great Eagle 50

2400 points

Trev Moffat 

Archmage: Magic Level 4; High Magic; Talisman of

Preservation; Dispel Scroll; Ring of Fury 315

Caradryan: General; The Phoenix Blade; Heavy Armour

Noble: Battle Standard; The Sword of Anti-Heroes, Shield
of the Merwyrm; Dragon Armour 150

18 Archers: Standard; Musician; Champion 210
17 Archers: Standard; Musician; Champion 200
5 Ellyrian Reavers: Bow; Spear 95
5 Ellyrian Reavers: Bow; Spear 95

20 White Lions: Standard; Musician; Champion; The
Banner of the World Dragon 340
20 Phoenix Guard: Standard; Musician; Champion; Razor
Standard 375

Frostheart Phoenix 240
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70
Repeater Bolt Thrower 70

2400 Points

Chris Legg

Archmage: Power Stone; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Light

Loremaster: Sword of Anti-heroes; Shield of the Merwyrm; Golden Crown of Atrazar; Ironcurse Icon 290

Mage: Dispel Scroll 110

Lothern Sea Helm: Standard of Discipline; Battle Standard

5 Ellyrian Reavers: spears; bows; standard bearer 105
5 Ellyrian Reavers: spears; bows; standard bearer 105
5 Ellyrian Reavers: spears; bows; standard bearer 105
10 Archers: musician 110
8 Silver Helms: shields; musician; standard bearer 204

27 White Lions of Chrace: Guardian; musician; standard
bearer (Banner of the World Dragon) 431

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70
Frostheart Phoenix 240
1 Great Eagle 50

2400 points


Adam Daly 

Lord Kroak 400

Saurus Oldblood: Armour of Destiny; Dawnstone; The
Other Trickster's Shard; great weapon; Cold One 266

Saurus Oldblood: Arabyan Carpet; Talisman of
Preservation; Charmed Shield; great weapon; light armour

Saurus Oldblood: Piranha Blade; Dragonhelm; Potion of
Strength; Opal Amulet; light armour; shield 250

Tetto'eko 185

20 Skink Cohort: Skink Brave; Musician; Standard Bearer
20 Skink Cohort: Skink Brave; Musician; Standard Bearer
20 Skink Cohort: Skink Brave; Musician; Standard Bearer
10 Skink Skirmishers: lustrian javelin; shield 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: lustrian javelin; shield 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: lustrian javelin; shield 70

29 Temple Guard: Gleaming Pennant; Revered Guardian;
Musician; Standard Bearer 441

2,397 points

George Hollingdale 

Slann Mage-Priest: GENERAL; Wandering Deliberations;

Soul of Stone; Power Scroll 390

Slann Mage-Priest: Becalming Cogitation; Reservoir of
Eldritch Energy; Harmonic Convergence; Channelling Staff;
Lore of Light; Battle Standard Bearer 415

Skink Priest: Dispel Scroll; Lore of Heavens 90

Saurus Scar-Veteran: Dragonhelm; Dawnstone; great
weapon; light armour; Cold One 145

Saurus Scar-Veteran: Armour of Fortune; Dragonbane
Gem; great weapon; Cold One 144

10 Skink Skirmishers: Lustrian javelins and shields 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: Lustrian javelins and shields 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: Lustrian javelins and shields 70
24 Skinks: Skink Brave; musician; standard bearer 150
20 Saurus Warriors: Spawn Leader; musician; standard
bearer 250

25 Temple Guard: Revered Guardian; musician; standard
bearer (Standard of Discipline) 395
3 Terradon Riders 105
3 Terradon Riders 105

2,399 points

Matt Hinton

Lord Kroak 400

Sarus Oldblood; Glittering Scales; Great Weapon; Talisman
of Preservation 216

Sarus Oldblood; Armor of Destiny; Dawnstone; Shield;
Sword of Might 241

Slann Mage-Priest; Crown of Command; Dispel Scroll;
Focus of Mystery, Battle Standard, Banner of Swiftness 435

Skink Priest; Cube of Darkness 95

20x Saurus Warriors; Full Command, 250
10x Skink Skirmisher 70
10x Skink Skirmisher 70
10x Skink Skirmisher 70
10x Skink Skirmisher 70
10x Skink Skirmisher 70

24x Temple Guard; Full Command; Razor Banner 411

2398 Points

Pip Hamilton 

Saurus Oldblood: General; great weapon; Armour of

Destiny; Dawnstone; Other Trickster's Shard; Carnosaur
Loping Stride 471

Saurus Scar-Veteran: Battle Standard; great weapon, light
armour; Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation;
Carnosaur; Loping Stride 400

Saurus Scar-Veteran: Great weapon, light armour;
Dragonhelm, Cold One 120

Saurus Scar-Veteran: Great weapon; Gambler's Armour,
Dragonbane Gem, Cold One 129

Skink Priest: Magic Level 1, Lore of Heavens; Dispel Scroll

Skink Priest: Magic Level 1, Lore of Heavens; Cube of
Darkness 95

10 Skinks: 1 Kroxigor; standard bearer 110
10 Skinks: 1 Kroxigor; standard bearer 110
10 Skinks: 1 Kroxigor; standard bearer 110
10 Skink Skirmishers: javelins & shields 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: javelins & shields 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: javelins & shields 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: javelins & shields 70

Ancient Stegadon: Sharpened Horns 250
Ancient Stegadon 230

2,395 Points

Sam McQuillan 

Slann Mage-Priest: Channelling Staff; Ironcurse Icon;

Banner of Swiftness; Harmonic Convergence; Becalming
Cogitation; Soul Of Stone; Lore of High Magic; Battle
Standard 440

Saurus Oldblood: Armour of Destiny; Dawnstone; The
Other Trickster's Shard; great weapon; Cold One 266

Saurus Oldblood: Sword of Anti-heroes; Potion of Speed;
Enchanted Shield; Talisman of Preservation; light armour

Saurus Scar-Veteran: Armour of Fortune; Dragonbane
Gem; great weapon; Cold One 144

Skink Priest: Dispel Scroll; Lore of Heavens 90

Skink Priest: Lore of Heavens 65

10 Skink Skirmishers 70
10 Skink Skirmishers 70
10 Skink Skirmishers 70
20 Skink Cohort: Skink Brave; Musician; Standard Bearer
20 Skink Cohort: Skink Brave; Musician; Standard Bearer
20 Skink Cohort: Skink Brave; Musician; Standard Bearer

24 Temple Guard: Razor Standard; Revered Guardian;
Musician; Standard Bearer 411

Bastiladon: Solar Engine; 3 Crew 150

2,400 points

Sandy Wilson

Slann Mage-Priest: Channelling Staff; Harmonic

Convergence; Dragonbane Gem; Lore of Death 350

Slann Mage-Priest: Lore of Light; Battle Standard 325

Saurus Oldblood: Dragonhelm; Other Tricksters Shard;
Talisman Of Endurance; great weapon; Cold One 231

Saurus Oldblood: Enchanted Shield; Dawnstone; Piranha
Blade; Potion Of Strength; light armour 249

Skink Priest: Dispel Scroll; Lore of Heavens 90

20 Skinks: Skink Brave; Musician; Standard Bearer 130
20 Skinks: Skink Brave; Musician; Standard Bearer 130
20 Skinks: Skink Brave; Musician; Standard Bearer 130
10 Skink Skirmishers: javelin; shield 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: javelin; shield 70
10 Skink Skirmishers: blowpipes 70

28 Temple Guard: Revered Guardian; Musician; Standard
Bearer 422
5 Chameleon Skinks 65
5 Chameleon Skinks 65

2,397 points


Thomas Loyn 

Tyrant: General; Heavy Armour, Sword of Striking,

Enchanted Shield, Greedy Fist, The Other Tricksters Shard,
Giantbreaker 315

Bruiser: Battle Standard; Great Weapon; Heavy Armour;
Crown of Command; Dragonhelm 190

Firebelly: Magic Level 2; Lore of Fire; Dispel Scroll; Potion
of Speed 190

8 Ironguts: Gutlord; Bellower; Standard Bearer; Lookout
Gnoblar; Banner of Discipline 394
3 Ogre Bulls: Bellower; Additional Hand Weapons 103
3 Ogre Bulls: Bellower; Additional Hand Weapons 103

4 Maneaters: Brace of Pistols; Poison; Vanguard; Bellower
4 Maneaters: Brace of Pistols; Scout; Immune to
Psychology 248
3 Leadbelchers 129
3 Leadbelchers 129

Ironblaster 170
Ironblaster 170

2400 Points

Alex Roos

Slaughtermaster: level 4 heavens, great weapon, Earthing

rod, armour of destiny 370

Bruiser: BSB, ironfist, heavy armour, banner of eternal
flame 148

Butcher: level 1 maw, great weapon, dispel scroll 134

9 ironguts: FCG, standard of discipline 432
40 gnoblars 100
18 gnoblars 45
10 gnoblars 25

6 leadbelchers: musician 268
6 leadbelchers: musician 268
6 leadbelchers: musician 268

Ironblaster 170
Ironblaster 170

2398 Points

 Jon Pugh

Slaughtermaster: General; Dispel Scroll; Ruby Ring of

Ruin; Talisman of Preservation; Level 4 Wizard 380

Bruiser: Obsidian Lodestone; Great weapon; Battle
Standard 186

Firebelly: Scroll of Shielding; Potion of Speed; Level 2
Wizard 175

9 Ironguts: Standard of Discipline; Gutlord; Bellower;
Standard Bearer; Look-out Gnoblar 437
5 Ogres: additional hand weapons; Bellower; standard
bearer 175

6 Maneaters: Gleaming Pennant; 6× brace of Ogre pistols;
Poisoned Attacks; Sniper; Bellower; standard bearer 397
Sabretusk 21
Sabretusk 21
6 Leadbelchers: Bellower 268

Ironblaster 170
Ironblaster 170

2 400 points


Albert James Barr 

Wurrzag da great green prophet 350

Orc warboss: Ironcurse; Enchanted Shield 125

Night goblin great shaman: lev 4; dispels 200

Goblin big boss: BSB; spider banner; Great Weapon 149

Goblin big boss: giant wolf; light armour; spear; charmed
shield; Dragonbane gem 61

Black Orc big boss 90

96 night goblins: bows; 3 fanatics; Full Command; netters
19 Orc boyz big ,un’s: banner; musician; Standard of
discipline; addition hand weapons 206

8 trolls 280
1 troll 35
goblin spear chukka 35
goblin spear chukka 35
goblin spear chukka 35

Doom diver catapult 80
Doom diver catapult 80
Goblin rock lobber 85
Goblin rock lobber 85
Mangler squigs 65
Mangler squigs 65

2499 Points

Dave Sweeting 
Black Orc Warboss: (General) Shield; Wizarding Hat 263

Orc Warboss; Wyvern; Charmed Shield; Sword of striking;
opal amulet 310

Black Orc Big Boss: Battle Standard; Shield;

Goblin Big Boss: Gigantic Spider; Shield; Spear; Light
armour; Dragonhelm 91

Goblin Big Boss: Gigantic Spider; Spear; Light armour;
Enchanted Shield 84

Night Goblin Shaman; Spells of the little waaagh; dispel
scroll 75

40 Night Goblins; FC: Hand Weapons; Shields; 1 fanatic;
Nets 220
40 Night Goblins; FC: Hand Weapons; Shields; 1 fanatic;
Nets 220
20 Night Goblins; Short Bows; Musician; Shields; 2
fanatics 120
5 Wolf Riders; Spears; Shields; Short Bows 65

Night Goblin Squig Herd; 30 Squigs; 10 Handlers 270

Spear chukka 35
Speak chukka 35

Mangler squig 65
Mangler squig 65
Doom Diver 80
Doom Diver 80
Arachnarok 290

2490 Points

George Kirke

Black Orc Warboss: General; Crown of Command;

Talisman of Preservation; Enchanted Shield 245

Wurzag da Great Green Prophet: 350

Goblin Great Shaman: Level 4 Wizard; Dispell Scroll 205

Goblin Big Boss: Battle Standard; Light Armour; Shield;
Spider banner 149

Goblin Big Boss: Giant Wolf; Light Armour; Spear
Charmed Shield; Potion of Foolhardiness 61

100 Night Goblins: NG Boss; Musician; Standard; Netters;
3 Fanatics; Short Bows 450
20 Night Goblins: Musician; Standard; 3 Fanatics 155
5 Goblin Wolf Riders: Spears; Shields 60

8 Trolls: 280

Rock Lobber: 85
Rock Lobber: 85
Doom Diver Catapult: 80
Doom Diver Catapult: 80
Snotling Pump Wagon: Spiky Roller; Giant Explodin’
Spores 75
Snotling Pump Wagon: Spiky Roller; Giant Explodin’
Spores 75
Mangler Squigs: 65

2500 points


Craig Johnson 

Grey Seer: Skalm; Power Scroll; Dragonbane Gem;

Screaming Bell 510

Warlock Engineer: Brass Orb 65

Chieftain: Standard of Discipline; halberd; Battle Standard

Assassin: Weeping Blade; Potion of Strength 170

Warlock Engineer: Dispel Scroll; The Other Trickster's
Shard; Level 1 Wizard; Skaven Spells of Ruin 105

Warlock Engineer: Warp-energy Condenser; Level 1
Wizard; Skaven Spells of Ruin 85

2 Rat Swarms 50
39 Skavenslaves: Pawleader; Musician 84
40 Skavenslaves: Pawleader; Musician 86
40 Skavenslaves: Pawleader; Musician 86
41 Stormvermin: Musician; Standard Bearer; Razor
Standard 347
2 Rat Swarms 50

5 Gutter Runners: slings; Poisoned Attacks 90

Doomwheel 150
Warp Lightning Cannon 90
Warp Lightning Cannon 90
3 x Mortar Fiends 255

2,400 points

James Headford 

Grey Seer Nibbles: Power Scroll, Talisman of Preservation


Grey Seer Fake Nibbles: Foul Pendant, Dispell Scroll 295

Chieftain: Shield, BsB, Obsidian Amulet 102

Warlock Engineer: Doomrocket 45

45 Skaven Slaves: Musician & Champion 96
45 Skaven Slaves: Musician & Champion 96
30 Skaven Slaves: Musician & Champion 66
39 Stormvermin: Musician, Champion, Standard & Razor
Standard 350
5 Giant Rats & Packmaster 23

6 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poisoned Attacks 108
6 Gutter Runners: Slings, Poisoned Attacks 108
38 Plaguemonks: Musician, Champion, Standard, Flaming
Banner 301

Hellpit Abomination 235
3 Stormfiends: Ratling Cannons 255

2400 Points

Neil Peckett

Verminlord Corruptor 500

Warlord: General; shield 93

Chieftain: halberd; shield; Battle Standard Bearer 74

Warlock Engineer: Doomrocket 45

Plague Priest: flail; Plague Furnace 254

Warlock Engineer 15

30 Clanrats: Clawleader; musician; standard bearer 140
30 Clanrats: Clawleader; musician; standard bearer 140
20 Night Runners 140
• Weapon Team: Warp-grinder 60
27 Skavenslaves: Pawleader; musician 60
27 Skavenslaves: Pawleader; musician 60

27 Plague Monks: Bringer-of-the-Word; musician; standard
bearer (Plague Banner) 244

4 Stormfiends: 3× doom-flayer gauntlets; grinderfists 340
Hell Pit Abomination 235

2,400 points


Adrian Downey 

Liche High Priest: Hierophant; Magic Level 4; Lore of

Nehekara; Dispel Scroll 235

Tomb King: General; Wizarding Hat; Great Weapon 276

Liche High Priest: Magic Level 3; Lore of Death; Neferra’s
Scrolls of Mighty Incantations 225

Ramhotep: 110

Tomb Prince: Potion of Speed; Dragonbane Gem; Great
Weapon 114

46 Skeleton warriors: Full command 214
6 Skeleton Chariots: Standard; Musician; Banner of Eternal
Flame 360
6 Skeleton Chariots: Standard; Musician 350

6 Necropolis Knights: Standard; Musician 410

2 Morghast Archai: 180
1 Casket of Souls: 135
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90

2699 points

Dan Broxholme 

Tomb king, general, great weapon glittering scales, healing

potion, dragon bane gem 241

Lvl 4 hierophant, lore of Nehekhara, dispel scroll, Obsidan
loadstone 280

High liche priest lvl 4 death; Cloak of the dunes, Neferras
scrolls of mighty incantations 310

5 skeleton horse archers 70
5 skeleton horse archers 70
4 skeleton chariots full command, flaming banner 260
20 skeleton archers full command 150 points
30 skeleton arches, full command
210 points

5 necropolis Knights full command 355 points
3 carrion 72 points
3 sepulchral stalkers 165 points
3 carrion 72 points
Tomb scorpion 85 points

Casket of souls 135 points
Necrosphinx, 225 points

2700 points

Amit Hindocha

Liche High Priest, General, Hierophant, Lore of Nehekara,

Level 4, Talisman of Endurance: 245

Liche High Priest, Lore of Light, Level 4, Earthing Rod,
Obsidian Lodestone: 280

Liche Priest, Lore of Light, Dispel Scroll: 95

Liche Priest, Lore of Light, Scroll of Shielding: 85

Liche Priest, Lore of Light: 70

Liche Priest, Lore of Light: 70

30 Archers, Full Command: 210
10 Archers, Standard, Muso: 80
10 Archers, Standard, Muso: 80
10 Archers, Standard, Muso: 80
6 Horse Archers, Champion: 94
5 Horse Archers, Champion: 80
5 Horse Archers, Champion: 80

4 Morghast Harbingers: 320
2 Morghast Harbingers: 160

4 Morghast Archai: 360
Hierotitan: 175
Casket of Souls: 135

2699 Points

John Quayle 

Tomb Prince: General; Great Weapon; Dragonhelm;

Obsidian Trinket 129

Tomb Prince: Great Weapon; Dragonbane Gem; 109

Liche Priest: Heirophant; Wizard Level 2; Lore of
Nehekhara; Dispel Scroll 130

Liche Priest: Wizard Level 2; Lore of Light; Power Stone

Liche Priest: Wizard Level 1; Lore of Light; Scroll of
Shielding 85

Liche Priest: Wizard Level 1; Lore of Light; Channeling Staff

Liche Priest: Wizard Level 1; Lore of Light 70

Skeleton Archers 60
Skeleton Archers 60
Skeleton Archers: Standard Bearer 70
Skeleton Chariots: Standard Bearer; Musician 185
Skeleton Horse Archers 70
Skeleton Warriors: Master of Arms; Standard Bearer;
Musician 230

Khemrian Warsphinx: Fiery Roar 230
Necropolis Knights: Necropolis Captain; Standard Bearer;
Musician 420
Sepulchral Stalkers: 165
Sepulchral Stalkers: 165

Casket of Souls: 135
Hierotitan: 175

2698 Points

Luke Midgley

Liche High Priest: Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Nehekhara;
Heirophant; Power Stone 230

Tomb King: General; The Other Tricksters Shard; Armour
of Destiny; Sword of Anti-Heroes; Dragonbane Gem; Shield

Liche Priest: Level 2 Wizard; Lore of Light; Dispel Scroll

Necrotect: Obsidian Amulet; Ironcurse Icon; Charmed
Shield; Biting Blade 110

19 Skeleton Archers: Full Command 144
3 Skeleton Chariots: Musician; Standard Bearer; Banner of
Eternal Flame 195
5 Skeleton Horse Archers 70
58 Skeleton Warriors: Full Command; Light Armour 320
3 Carrion: 72

Khemrian Warsphinx: Fiery Roar 230
4 Necropolis Knights: Standard Bearer 270
3 Sepulchral Stalkers 165

Casket of Souls 135
Heirotitan 175
Screaming Skull Catapult 90
Screaming Skull Catapult 90

2699 Points

Michael Browning

Queen Khalida; General 365

Liche High Priest; Opal Amulet; Steed; Lore of Nehekara

Liche High Priest; Lore of Light 175

Tomb Prince; Great Weapon; Talisman of Preservation 149

Ramhotep the Visionary 110

Liche Priest; Dispel Scroll; Lore of Light 95

50 Skeleton Archers; Full Command 330
6 Skeleton Horseman; Standard 82
6 Skeleton Horse Archers 84
3 Skeleton Chariots; Standard; Banner of Eternal Flame

28 Tomb Guard; Full Command 338
3 Necropolis Knights; Champion; Standard 215
Warsphinx; Fiery Roar 230

Casket of Souls 135

2698 Points

Russ Veal 

Liche High Priest: Hierophant; Magic Level 4; Lore of

Nehekara; Golen death mask of Khanut 270

Liche High Priest: Hierophant; Magic Level 4; Lore of
Death; Dispel Scroll; Obsidian Lodestone 280

Tomb King: General; Destroyer of Eternities; The Other
Tricksters Shard; Dragonbane Gem; Shield 273

Tomb Prince: Great Weapon; Helm of Discord 134

24 Skeleton Bowmen: Full command 174
24 Skeleton Bowmen: Full command 174
40 Skeleton Warriors: Full command 190
5 Skeleton Horse Archers: 70
5 Skeleton Horse Archers: 70

2 Morghast Harbingers: 160
2 Morghast Harbingers: 160
2 Morghast Harbingers: 160

3 Morghast Archai: 270
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
1 Screaming Skull Catapult: 90
1 Casket of Souls: 135

2700 Points

Zack Martin

High Queen Khalida: General, Venom Staff 365

Liche High Priest: Hierophant, Level 4, Lore of Nehekhara,
Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Lodestone, Ironcurse Icon 285

Liche High Priest: Level 4, Lore of Undeath, Neferra's
Scrolls of Mighty Incarnations, The Other Trickster's Shard,
Dragonbane Gem 280

Tomb Herald: BSB, Banner of Eternal Flame, Great
Weapon 99

81 Skeleton Archers: Full Command 516
10 Skeleton Archers: Full Command 90
5 Skeleton Horse Archers 70

4 Morghast Harbingers 320

4 Morghast Archai 360
Hierotitan 175
Casket of Souls 135

2695 Points


Ceri Headford 

Vampire Lord, Level 4 Vampires, Barded nightmare, Shiel,

Heavy armour, Red fury, Quickblood, Beguile, Ogre blade,
Dragon helm, Talisman of preservation, Iron curse icon 553

Vampire, Level 2 Shadow, Lanc, Shield, Barded nightmare,
Red fury, Obsidian amulet, Gamblers armour 266

Necromancer, Dispell scroll 90

30 zombies, Full command 100
30 zombies, Full command 100
30 zombies, Full command 100
30 zombies, Full command 100
28 zombies, Full command 94
5 dire wolves 40
5 dire wolves 40
5 dire wolves 40

14 Black knights, Full command, Barding, Lances, Banner
of eternal flame 404
2 fell bats 32
2 fell bats 32
4 Vargheists 184

Terrorgheist 225

2400 Points

Jack Austin 

Vampire lord: General, lvl 1 (Lore of Vampires), Heavy

armour, Shield, Seed of Rebirth, The Other Trickster's
Shard, Red Fury, Quickblood, Book of Arkhan, Ogre Blade
and Dragonhelm 409

Strigoi Ghoul king: lvl 1 (Lore of Vampires), Skabscrath,
Dragonbane gem, Potion of Strength, Red fury, Aura of Dark
Majesty and Beguile 450

Master necromancer: lvl 4 (Lore of Vampires), Black
periapt and Master of the dead 275

20 Zombies: Standard and musician 70
29 Ghouls: Ghast 300
5 Dire wolves: 40
34 Skeletons: Full command and Banner of Swiftness 215

5 Hexwraiths: Hellwraith 160

Mortis engine: Blasphemous Tome 240
Mortis engine: Blasphemous Tome 240

2399 Points

Jack Chapman

Vampire Lord: General; Magic Level 1; Lore of Vampires;

Heavy Armour; Enchanted Shield; Sword of Might; Talisman
of Preservation; Other Trickster's Shard; Quickblood; Red
Fury 391

Master Necromancer; Magic Level 4; Lore of Vampires;
Black Periapt 255

Wight King; Battle Standard Bearer; Nightshroud; Shield 154

20 Crypt Ghouls 200
5 Dire Wolves 40
5 Dire Wolves 40
5 Dire Wolves 40
40 Skeletons; Champion; Musician; Standard Bearer; The
Screaming Banner; Spears 255
20 Zombies; Standard Bearer 65

8 Crypt Horrors 304
28 Grave Guard; Champion; Musician; Standard Bearer;
Banner of The Barrows; Great Weapons 416

Mortis Engine; Blasphemous Tome 240

2400 Points

Gavin Wilson 

Vampire Lord: General, Magic Level 1, Lore of the

Vampires, Heavy Armour, Shield, Skabscrath,The Other
Trickster's Shard, Quickblood, Red Fury, 399

Master Necromancer: Lore of the Vampires, Magic Level
4, Book of Arkhan, 225

Tomb Banshee: 95

Necromancer: Magic Level 1, Lore of the Vampires, Dispel
Scroll, 90

6 Dire Wolves, 48
6 Dire Wolves, 48
5 Dire Wolves, 40
6 Dire Wolves, 48
50 Skeleton Warriors: Musician, Standard Bearer,
Champion, Banner of Swiftness, 295
42 Zombies: Musician, Standard Bearer, 136
Corpse Cart: Unholy Lodestone, 120

30 Grave Guard: Great Weapons, Musician, Standard
Bearer, Seneschal, Banner of the Barrows, 440
6 Hexwraiths: Hellwraith, 190

Terrorgheist, 225

2399 Points

Raf Harbinson 

Vampire Lord: General; Lore of Vampires; Talisman of

Preservation; The Other Trickster's Shard; Nightshroud; Red
Fury; Beguile; great weapon; heavy armour 401

Count Mannfred 530

Necromancer: Lore of Vampires; Dispel Scroll; Seed of
Rebirth 100

45 Skeleton Warriors: Banner of Swiftness; Skeleton
Champion; musician; standard bearer 270

5 Dire Wolves: Doom Wolf 50
5 Dire Wolves: Doom Wolf 50
5 Dire Wolves: Doom Wolf 50
5 Dire Wolves: Doom Wolf 50
20 Zombies: musician; standard bearer 70
20 Zombies: musician; standard bearer 70

8 Crypt Horrors: Crypt Haunter 314

Terrorgheist 225
Mortis Engine 220

2400 points

Matt Yeo
Count Mannfred: General 530

Master Necromancer: Magic Level 4; Lore of Vampires;
Obsidian Lodestone; Dispel Scroll 270

31 Skeletons: Full Command; Banner of Swiftness 200
31 Zombies: Musician; Standard 103
20 Zombies: Musician; Standard 70
20 Zombies: Musician; Standard 70
5 Dire Wolves 40
5 Dire Wolves 40
5 Dire Wolves 40
5 Dire Wolves 40

10 Crypt Horrors 380
2 Fell Bats 32

Terrorgheist 225
4 Morghast Archai 360

2400 points

Michael Wendel

Vampire Lord: Nightshroud; Talisman of Preservation; The

Other Trickster's Shard; Red Fury; Aura of Dark Majesty;
great weapon; heavy armour 411

Master Necromancer: Book of Arkhan; Talisman of
Protection; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Death 240

Master Necromancer: Sceptre of Stability; Level 4 Wizard

Necromancer: Dispel Scroll; Ironcurse Icon; Level 2
Wizard; Lore of Death 130

Wight King: Obsidian Lodestone; shield; Battle Standard

60 Zombies: musician; standard bearer 190
54 Zombies: musician; standard bearer 172
50 Zombies: musician; standard bearer 160
5 Dire Wolves 40
5 Dire Wolves 40

9 Crypt Horrors: Crypt Haunter 352
2 Fell Bats 32
2 Fell Bats 32

Terrorgheist 225

2398 points


Adam Cunis 

Daemon Prince: Scaled Skin; Soul Feeder; Chaos Familiar;

Charmed Shield; Dragonbane Gem; Sword of Striking; Level
4 Wizard; Lore of Slaanesh; Chaos armour; Daemonic
Flight; Daemon of Slaanesh 520

Chaos Lord: General; Talisman of Preservation; Sword of
Might; Helm of Many Eyes; shield; Mark of Tzeentch 315

Exalted Hero: Talisman of Endurance; Third Eye of
Tzeentch; Mark of Tzeentch; halberd; shield; Battle
Standard; Daemonic Mount (barding) 244

Chaos Sorceror: Dispel Scroll; Lore of Metal 135

Chaos Chariot: Mark of Khorne 120
Chaos Chariot: Mark of Khorne 120
19 Chaos Warriors: Standard of Discipline; Mark of
Tzeentch; shield; Aspiring Champion; musician; standard
bearer 368

3 Dragon Ogres: great weapons 204
3 Chaos Ogres: Mark of Khorne; additional hand weapons;
Ogre Mutant 130

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne: ensorcelled weapons;
standard bearer 244

2400 points

Alex Wheatley 

Chaos Lord General: Mark of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch,

Great Weapon, Shield, Armour of Destiny, Crown of
Command, Obsidian Trinket, Flaming Breath, Scaled Skin

Chaos Sorceror Lord: Mark of Slaanesh, Level 4 Lore of
Slaanesh, Steed of Slaanesh, Dispel Scroll, Enchanted
Shield, Acid Incor 340

Exalted Hero: Mark of Tzeentch, Battle Standard Bearer,
Disc of Tzeentch, Great Weapon, Shield, Talisman of
Preservation, Charmed Shield, Soul Feeder 241

Chaos Chariot: Mark of Khorne 120
Chaos Chariot: Mark of Khorne 120
Chaos Chariot: Mark of Khorne 120
5 Maruader Horsemen: Mark of Slaanesh, Flails, Throwing Axes, Light Armour,
Musician, Standard 120
5 Maruader Horsemen: Mark of Slaanesh, Flails, Throwing Axes, Light Armour,
Musician, Standard 120

5 Chaos Knights: Mark of Nurgle, Ensorceled Weapons,
Musician, Standard 245

4 Skullcrushers: Mark of Khorne, Ensorcelled Weapons,
Musicain, Standard w/ Banner of Swiftness 347
Hellcannon 210

2396 Points

Chris Draper

Daemon Prince: General, Chaos Armour, Level 4, Lore of

Slaanesh, Mark of Slaanesh; Chaos Familiar, Flaming
Breath, Scaled Skin, Soul feeder, Charmed Shield,
Dragonbane Gem, The Other Trickster's Shard 510

Chaos Sorcerer: Level 1, Lore of Death, Mark of Nurgle,
Dispel Scroll 145

Exalted Hero: Army Battle Standard, Mark of Tzeentch,
Shield, Biting Blade, Dawnstone, Dragonhelm 193

Festus the Leechlord 190

16 Chaos Warriors: Champion, Musician, Standard
Bearer,Mark of Nurgle, Shields 302
16 Chaos Warriors: Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer,
Mark of Tzeentch, shields 302

Chimera: Flaming Breath, Regenerating Flesh, Venomous
Ooze 290
3x Dragon Ogre: Additional Hand Weapons 189

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne: Enscrolled Weapons,
Champion, Musician, Standard Bearer, Banner of Swiftness

2400 Points

David Bates 

Chaos Lord: Khorne, Barded Steed, shield; Armour of

Destiny, Sword of Striking, potion of strength 334

Chaos Sorcerer: Barded Steed, Level 2; Dispel Scroll 186

Exalted Hero: Battle Standard; Barded Steed, Khorne,
Shield; Dawnstone, Sword of Might, Potion of Speed 214

Exalted Hero: Nurgle, Demonic Mount, Barding, Flail;
Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield 225

9 Marauder Horse: Khorne, Flails, Light Armour, Shield,
Musician, Standard 200

Chaos Chariot: Khorne 120
Chaos Chariot: Khorne 120
Chaos Chariot: Khorne 120
5 Warhounds: Vanguard 40

8 Chaos Knights: Khorne, Ensorcelled Weapons,
Musician, Standard, Banner of Rage 420

Hellcannon 210
Hellcannon 210

2399 points

Jonathon Chester 

Chaos Lord: General Disc of Tzeench, Great Weapon,

shield, Talisman of Preservation, Dragonhelm, Crown of
Command, Third eye of Tzeench, Flaming Breath, Soul
Feeder 403

Daemon Prince: Magic level 4 Lore of Slannesh, Daemon
of Slannesh, Chaos armour Daemonic Flight, Scaled Skin,
Chaos Familiar, Allure of Slannesh, Charmed Shield,
Dragonbane gem, Sword of Striking 525

Exhalted Hero: Battle standard, Daemonic mount with
barding, Halberd, Mark of Tzeench, Spellshield, Talisman of
Endurence, Burning body 281

21 Chaos Warriors: Aspiring Champion, Musician,
Standard Bearer, Banner of Swiftness, Mark of Tzeench,
Shields 402
Chaos Chariot Mark of Slannesh 115
Chaos Chariot Mark of Slannesh 115
5 Marauder Horsemen: Musician, Standard Bearer, Mark
of Slannesh 105

6 Hellstriders of Slannesh: Standard Bearer, Musician 134

4 Skullcrushers of Khorne: Musician, Standard Bearer,
Gleaming Pennant, Ensorcelled Weapons 337

2397 Points

Ken Groom

Archaon on Dorghar (650) (1 power) Lore of Shadow

Chaos Lord of Tzeentch (383) (1 power for 3+ ward)
Great Weapon, Daemonic Mount, Barding
Armour of Destiny, Dawnstone
Scaled Skin, Soul Feeder

Heroes (766) (2 power for more than 60% in characters)
Exalted Hero of Tzeentch (241) (1 power for daemonic mount) Battle Standard Bearer, Great Weapon, Daemonic Mount, Barding, Talisman of Endurance, Dragonhelm

Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch (235)l evel 2, Lore of Metal. Obsidian Lodestone, Enchanted Shield. Chaos Familiar.

Chaos Sorcerer (140) Unmarked, Lore of Fire. Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon

Chaos Sorcerer (150) Unmarked, Lore of Fire. Skull of Katam, Ruby Ring of Ruin

5 x Chaos Warhounds (30)
5 x Chaos Warhounds (30)
5 x Slaanesh Marauder Horsemen (105)Flails, Throwing Axes, Banner
23 x Tzeentch Chaos Warriors Shields, Full Command Banner of Swiftness (436)

2400 points

Reinier Gouverneur 

Chaos Lord: General; Great Weapon, Shield, Mark of

Tzeench, Disc of Tzeench, Dragonhelm, Talisman of
Preservation, The other Trickstershard, Flaming Breath 363

Daemon Prince: Chaos Armour, Daemonic Flight, Mark of
Nurgle, Enchanted Shield, Sword of Might, Soulfeeder 340

Daemon Prince: Chaos Armour, Daemonic Flight, Mark of
Slaanesh, Level 4, Lore of Slaanesh, Dragonbane Gem,
Charmed Shield, Chaos Familiar, Scaled Skin 490

Chaos Chariots, Mark of Slaanesh 115
Chaos Chariots, Mark of Slaanesh 115
5 Marauder Horsemen, Mark of Slaanesh, Spears,
Javalins, Standard 95
5 Marauder Horsemen, Mark of Slaanesh, Spears,
Javalins, Standard 95
5 Marauder Horsemen, Mark of Slaanesh, Spears,
Javalins, Standard 95
5 Marauder Horsemen, Mark of Slaanesh, Spears,
Javalins, 85

Gorebeast Chariot, Mark of Nurgle 140
Gorebeast Chariot, Mark of Nurgle 140

4 Skull Crushers, Standard, ensorcelled weapons,
Gleaming Pendant 327

2400 Points

Tom Mawdsley 

Chaos Lord: Talisman of Preservation; Crown of

Command; Dragonhelm; Flaming Breath; great weapon;
shield; Mark of Tzeentch; Disc of Tzeentch 383

Daemon Prince: Scaled Skin; Soul Feeder; Collar of
Khorne; Warrior Bane; The Other Trickster's Shard;
Charmed Shield; Chaos armour; Daemonic Flight; Daemon
of Khorne 405

Sorceror Lord: Enchanted Shield; Ogre Blade; Dawnstone;
Dispel Scroll; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Slaanesh; Mark of
Slaanesh; Steed of Slaanesh 395

Exalted Hero: Talisman of Endurance; Third Eye of
Tzeentch; Mark of Tzeentch; great weapon; shield; Battle
Standard; Daemonic Mount (barding) 244

8 Marauder Horsemen: Mark of Slaanesh; shield; javelins;
standard bearer 146
Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh 115
Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh 115
11 Chaos Warriors: Lichebone Pennant; Mark of Tzeentch;
shield; Aspiring Champion; musician; standard bearer 232

8 Putrid Blightkings: Putrid Blightking Champion;
musician; standard bearer (Banner of Swiftness) 365

2,400 points

Yavor Bidzhov

Sorceror Lord: Dispel Scroll; Talisman of Endurance;

Spellshield; Tormentor Sword; Level 4 Wizard; Mark of
Slaanesh; Steed of Slaanesh 375

Daemon Prince: General; Collar of Khorne; Scaled Skin;
Soul Feeder; Charmed Shield; Sword of Striking; Potion of
Speed; Chaos armour; Daemonic Flight; Daemon of Khorne

Exalted Hero: Talisman of Preservation; Warrior Bane;
Mark of Tzeentch; shield; Battle Standard; Daemonic Mount
(barding) 248

Exalted Hero: Enchanted Shield; Dawnstone; Sword of
Might; Burning Body; Mark of Slaanesh; Steed of Slaanesh

18 Chaos Warriors: Banner of Swiftness; Mark of Nurgle;
shield; halberds; musician; standard bearer 395
Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaneesh 115
Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh 115

4 Skullcrushers of Khorne: ensorcelled weapons;
Skullhunter; musician 332
Hellcannon 210

2,400 points


Edwin de Vries

Spellweaver: General; Elven steed; magic level 4; Lore of
High magic; Dispel scroll 265

Spellweaver: Elven steed; magic level 4; Lore of Dark
magic, Obsidian lodestone 285

Glade captain: Battle standard; Elven steed; asrai spear;
Hail of Doom arrow; charmed shield 147

10 Glade guard: musician; trueflight 160
10 Glade guard: musician; trueflight 160
10 Glade guard: musician; trueflight 160
10 Glade guard: musician; trueflight 160

5 deepwood scouts 65
5 wild riders: standard; shields; Banner of eternal flame 160
5 wild riders; standard; shields; Gleaming pendant 155
5 wild riders; standard; shield 150
5 Sisters of the Thorn; standard; Standard of Discipline 233

Eagle 50
Eagle 50
5 Waywatchers 100
5 Waywatchers 100

2400 points

Ian Ralph 

Spellweaver: General; Talisman of Preservation; Dispel

Scroll; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of High Magic; Steed 310

Spellweaver: Dragonbane Gem; Level 4 Wizard; of
Shadow; Steed; 245

Glade Captain: BSB; Hail of Doom Arrow; Charmed Shield;
great weapon; Steed; Battle Standard Bearer 149

10 Glade Guard: trueflight arrows 150
10 Glade Guard: trueflight arrows 150
10 Glade Guard: trueflight arrows 150
10 Glade Guard: Arcane Bodkins; Standard 180

7 Wild Riders: Shield; Standard Bearer 206
6 Wild Riders: Shield; Standard Bearer 178
5 Sisters of the Thorn: standard bearer 140
5 Sisters of the Thorn 130

9 Waywatchers 180
9 Waywatchers 180
1 Great Eagle

2,398 points

Tim Ross
Spellweaver: Level 4 Life; Unicorn; Dispel scroll; Talisman
of Endurance 350

Glade Captain: Battle Standard; Elven steed; Asrai spear;
Enchanted Shield; Hail of Doom Arrow; Starfire shafts 151

Naestra and Arahan: Forest Dragon Ceithin-Har 495

15 Glade Guard: Standard; Gleaming Pennant; Musician;
Trueflight Arrows 250
15 Glade Guard: Musician; Trueflight Arrows 235
5 Glade Riders: Starfire shafts 115

6 Wild Riders: Standard; Shields 178
6 Wild Riders: Shields 168
6 Wild Riders: Shields 168
5 Sisters of the Thorn: Standard 140

5 Waywatcher: 100
1 Great Eagle: 50

2400 Points

Warren Brewster 

Spellweaver: Level 4; Steed; Earthing Rod; Talisman of

preservation; Shadow; General 310

Spellweaver: Level 4; Steed; Dispel Scroll; Obsidian
lodestone; High 310

Glade Captain: Battle Standard Bearer; Starfire; Shield;
Hail of Doom; Gamblers amour 156

10 Glade Guard: True flight 150
10 Glade Guard: True flight 150
10 Glade Guard: True flight 150
10 Glade Guard: Starfire 160

6 Wildriders: Shields 168
6 Wildriders: Shields 168
6 Wildriders: Shields; standard; Banner of Eternal Flame
10 Sisters of Thorn: Standard; Musician; Standard of
Discipline 290

10 Waywatchers 200

2400 Points

Josse Buschman

Spellweaver, general, lore of high magic, magic lvl 4, elven

steed, obsidian amulet, dispell scroll, 295

Spellweaverm magic lvl 4, lore of shadow, elven steed,
power stone, 260

Glade captain, battle standard bearer, elven steed, hail of
doom arrow, charmed shield, Asrai spear, 147

10 Glade guard, musician, trueflight arrows, 160
10 Glade guard, musician, trueflight arrows, 160
10 Glade guard, musician, trueflight arrows, 160
10 Dryads, branch nymph, 120

8 Sisters of the thorn, standard bearer, standard of
discipline, 233
5 Wild riders, 130
5 Wild riders, 130
5 Wardancers, champion, 1 spear, 86
7 Deepwood scouts, trueflight arrows, 119

Great eagle, 50
Great eagle, 50
8 Waywatchers, 160
7 Waywatchers, 140

2400 Points