Ah, mortal.

It's been too long, far too long indeed. You see, the forces of chaos are mustering and we will strike down your precious empire in one fell blow. No matter how high you make your walls, we will tear them down. Chaos will reign supreme.


It's been a few months I believe since the last Slave to Darkness went up. Sadly I'm influenced by the online community and felt a bit let down with End Times V: That dude who does stuff and the ending of the warhammer world. I get that it's an optional thing set XX years in the future to whenever you play your games but still, anticlimax much?

Getting on track again, I've been busy. With study I mean, which I should probably be doing now...

Anyhow, pictures ahoy!

I've had Nicodemus painted for a while, I just got round to basing him. The bestigors are new and are dedicated to khorne with a nice recipe for metallic red armour. Mithril Silver --> Shining Gold --> red ink.

These guys were a blast to put together and the spare great weapons were filched to make some more pestigors (in combination with great weapons from the blightking kit).

The greyish flesh was the only thing I could think of for to give a nice contrast to the red armour, combined with the basing I get the impression that it's quite cold up in the chaos wastes.

 Baa baa blood god, have you any skulls?
Next up were the blightkings, which is a shitty kit as you get 6 extra torso fronts which can't be used anywhere else unless you're a wizard at green stuff/ other sculpting stuff. That and there's pretty much only one way to assemble things, so no cool poses apart from the splayed leg 'come at me bro' positioning.

Still, the chaos warrior from araby was a nice touch.

I've also got some Blood Angel stuff in the works (let's just say someone's happy with a red from black undercoat) so that'll appear soon if I get my arse into gear again with studying. 

Til then,

The Warlock

PS: I probs won't be posting anything for a bit on the HoP so I'll spare you that mental trauma :P