It has finally become a reality! Joey McGuire has been working on his own set of post-apocalypse skirmish rules (This Is Not a Test) for more than three years now. He has been diligently gaming and correcting, testing and tweaking his rules and slowly building up a nice set of miniatures to go along with them. Around this time last year I sat down with Joey and we chatted about the project, with me passing on some advice from my time in the gaming industry.
Shortly after, I was invited to take the photographs for his rulebook. Joey has amassed an incredible collection of miniatures and terrain over the years, so the photography was a delight. In one long day last June, we shot close to 300 photos ranging from individual miniature shots to complete table set-ups. That was a fun day - processing all those shots, not so much, but the results were well worth it.
At the beginning of this year, Joey invited me to do the layout for This Is Not a Test. He already had a lot of great artwork from various artists, the hundreds of photos from our shoot, and the rules completed. It was a simple thing to say yes, and after a couple of months work, going back and forth tightening and tweaking the look, Joey has finally been able to launch his 170-page set of rules and miniatures range.
The rules themselves owe a lot to the skirmish games of GW and others, but the have their own flavor too, so players can feel immediately familiar with certain mechanics, giving them the opportunity to explore the setting much more. With six different warbands to choose from (each with more than 10 different member types) there's something for everyone who loves the possibilities presented by a post-nuclear apocalyptic setting.
Check it all out at the World's End Publishing website, and keep up to date with all the latest news on his This Is Not a Test Facebook page. I hope you enjoy what you see. I know I've had a lot of fun helping Joey see his dream realized!