This match was something special for me. A very good and old friend of mine (no Aleator club member) finally managed to finish the last strokes of the brush on his Tau Empire Kill Team. If memory serves me right the start of this task dates back almost six years. I was very excited when he told me that he was about to finish them soon and that we could finally set up a match which we talked about since ages. And I have to say that I was surprised in quite a positive way. These are the very first miniatures he ever painted and he even magnetised the weapon options for the Crisis suits. Very well done and a brilliant start!
The format of the Kill Team matches proofed to be a great thing again as (obviously) even common mortals are able to paint and play with it. One does lose a bit the perception on things when you’re sitting at your hobby desk almost every evening for the last couple of years (just like a regular contributor to this blog – Oops!). Sorry for the bad pictures, I forgot to turn on every light in the living room.
During the aggressive expansion of the Tau Empire in the galactic east there have been several encounters with Imperial forces. As the Aleator Sector is also located in this part of the galaxy it was only a matter of time since there would be a confrontation. Of course the Men of Argos were the first who did confront the Tau as they are quite similar to the them keen explorers themselves.
Today’s incident happened during the siege of a barren world with dense human population. Nevertheless it was a high priority objective of the Tau attack, thus the few imperial defenders could not hold ground against the xenos invasion. To capture back lost territory the Astra Militarum did sent out an elite task force of Scions to locate an important drop of supplies to support the weakened local defenses.The Tau on the other hand located unexpected activities of the Gue’la on a position that was considered to be already overrun by the Fire Caste. The ambitious Shas’Ui’Kaor’on rallied a team of Fire Warriors and Crisis suits to crush every growing opposition.
Best regards to my comrade and xenos opponent, really enjoyed the game. The long range and strength 5 of the tau guns were a real pain to deal with especially if you mostly have guns with a max. range of 18″. It was a horrible defeat for my forces but I was rewarded with an epic scene as the Scions took the breach with a roaring flamer and blazing guns. I really hope that we won’t have to wait years again for our rematch mate.