TJ here to talk about my first games of Infinity. Of course within hours of moving to Maryland, I was greeted by a gang of friends and introduced to a game of futuristic combat set in (shock!) A non-gothic, rather non-dystopian future! I have a few thoughts and a couple of photos, so let's have a look.

The first thing that strikes you when you look at an Infinity table is the amount and types of terrain available. Now, the first thing that strikes me here is that Drop Zone has amazing terrain from Micro Art Studios and Spartan Miniatures to play with.

Deployment was a mini game in and of itself and if I was to compare it to something, I would compare it to 5th ed 40k deployment in it's basic form, but the consequences and benefits of how you deploy are more lethal and will make a huge impact on games of infinity.

The main thing I liked was how the rules scaled. We were able to play a few introductory games that allowed me to learn the basics and then we were able to scale in more complex rules. Now that I have sat down with N3, I can see that the rules scale up for regular games and can even become more detailed.

What struck me was the use of 20 sided five and the way the action and tactics felt real. I inmediately drew comparisons to real life games of scenario paintball for the fast action and lethality of ranged combat. Speaking of fast action, the game lasts only three turns, so you need to get in gear and engage to win a game, which made every decision meaningful and fun.

At the same time, nothing is free. While I could use my orders every turn to advance and move a powerful model multiple times, it meant I essentially skipped turns with my other models, leaving them behind and unable to shape the fight.

Before I wrap this up I just want to note how amazing these drop ships are from Spartan Miniatures and I really hope they keep making these. It's an incredible peice of terrain here or for Planetfall.

Overall, the game is the most realistic feeling squad combat game I have played. It feels fast, it's fun, it is quick (which is a huge factor as I don't get time for four hour games these days) and I am looking forward to more of it.

How about you? Do we have anybody out there who plays? Any opinions on seeing Infinity content here? Does anybody have links to infinity blogs they would like to share here for the blog roll?