The "Dire States: I4 Invasion", Saturday, will be my first recorded ITS 2015 event.  GnS has been slow to get the required codes to have their events recorded officially so this will be my first to get my rank.  My Combine Army is with me in Florida to help represent my store, GnS, and state, MD.  The list of notables from the 2014 season attending this event is pretty impressive.  Many of the top 10 in the US will be in attendance.  Looks like a very tough field.  Little old meal will be fighting against 31 other opponents for mid-table obscurity.

The missions are as follows:

Cold Sleep
Transmission Matrix
Nimbus Zone

I have been getting a lot of practice with Cold Sleep and Transmission Matrix.  I am 1-1 in that mission.  The issue is that my last try at it was against Jeff and his Yu Jing.  It showed a few glaring weaknesses in the list.  I showed have added Ko Dali and possibly another Fraacta but it's too late to make that change.  Lists are in and now I am stuck with what I have.

I have worked on getting everything painted.  The goal of getting everything painted by I4 failed. Not a miserable failure but one nonetheless.  I have a lot of models mostly painted.  Just not enough.  Next goal, fully painted by Gencon.  Very good chance.

While I am working on that I also need to work on getting my new table cut and painted.  A lot of plans.  I will actually say that I will work to have that done by NOVA over having my army painted.  The idea is a glorious one and very ambitious.  It's a PanO TAG factory.  I have been working on the idea with the guys from GnS.  A lot of good ideas and I want to make sure I capture it.  I want to keep it a mystery but will show a few items.  The items below are for the center objective room (Armory).  Todd and I bounced some ideas on what to do.  I wanted the weapon lockers and he gave the idea with weapons suspended (second pic).  I think they came out well for prototypes.  

     The plan to launch our Kickstarter is in full gear.  The table will show what we can do.  We have been working on a lot of cool things.  I am actually using most of my own items for the I4.  Made a new insert for my troop tray and replaced my tokens with some prototypes.  Not happy with all of the prototypes (spacing issues).  I also didn't make my own camo markers.  I need to make them and some mine markers.

I also have to thank my wife who sacrificed a carry on for my troop tray.

I will post as much as possible from the event.  I promise....