Well last update was March 2013, 26 months between updates must be a record even for me.

In the last two years some major changes occurred in my life, such that myself and my partner moved to Yorkshire, a place I've grown a major liking for in the short time of being here.
I changed career paths from something that whilst I enjoyed it to begin with, I grew very tired of and left university to persue other avenues (that sounds better than some of the shit that went on at the time I must admit). I now find myself in a job that I really enjoy despite at times being tiring, hard work, stressful occassionally thankless... Brings new challenges every day.

Due to all this, modelling time (and money) became a rare commodity, and whilst I still have a much lessened time in which to do it I am now in a better position to kickstart back into the hobby.

When I left the 'hobby' 2 years ago I was exploring getting into higher end painting and modelling with an ultimate dream of getting to a point to enter a golden demon or similar. In restarting I fear my skills might be depleted, so rather than go out and spend hundreds on expensive models (FW horus heresy characters which I must do at some point...) I bought a new kit from GW I've not used before, the Scions. Must say, cracked it open today, lovely kit, cool detailing and impressive extras. I have, today, built the first model I've built in nearly 2years with a view to starting to paint in the week.

Ideally I will paint this model up, see what went wrong and how to improve it; this way getting into the swing of things a bit.

Scion with Plasma Gun

Closeup on base, needs filing on rivets etc when glue sets rock hard
Bear in mind I have no photo set up yet so pics aren't the best.

Part of the spur for this post is that, this morning, I have just booked my hotel for the Forge World Open Day on 5th July. I hope to have some bearing on where I want to go with modelling by then.

So yeah. Hopefully be able to keep this up for a while.