All Der Boys: My Green Night Army List

So with Warboss Payne getting me thinking about 40k again, I guess I'll post a rebuttal (with emphasis on butt, hurhurhur) to his list, and likely what I'll use against him when we next play. 

I'll likely be using the universal answer to everything: More Boyz.

           Orks: Codex (2014) (Formation Detachment) (1085pts)

  • Formation (1085pts)

    • "Green Tide" (1085pts)

      • 2x Boyz (75pts)

        • Boss Nob (21pts)

          Big Choppa (5pts), Slugga
        • 9x Boy (54pts)

          9x Slugga
      • 8x Boyz (95pts)

        • Boss Nob (41pts)

          Power Klaw (25pts), Slugga
        • 9x Boy (54pts)

          9x Slugga
      • Warboss (175pts)

        Gubbinz: Big Bosspole (20pts), Gubbinz: Da Supa-Cybork (50pts), Warlord
        • Mega Armour (45pts)

          Kombi-weapon w/ Rokkit Launcha (5pts), Power Klaw

Orks: Codex (2014) (Formation Detachment) (765pts)

  • Formation (765pts)

    • "Ghazghkull's Bullyboyz" (765pts)

      • 3x Meganobz (255pts)

        Meganob w/ Twin-linked Shoota (40pts), Meganob w/ Twin-linked Shoota (40pts), Meganob w/ Twin-linked Shoota (40pts), Meganob w/ Twin-linked Shoota (40pts)
        • Boss Meganob w/ Twin-linked Shoota (45pts)

          Bosspole (5pts)
        • Trukk (50pts)

          Big Shoota, Boarding Plank (15pts), Reinforced Ram (5pts)

Yes, that's 119 models. 90 boyz, 8 Nobz with powerklaws, 2 Nobz with big choppas, a mega-armored warboss, 15 meganobs and 3 trukks. 


The green tide formation gives the warboss the ability to waagh every turn after the first, gives them hammer of wrath and means they're a single 101 model unit. I'm really hoping units can capture more than one objective! They're fearless because of the bosspole on the warboss too. Only problem is the warboss HAS to accept and make challenges if he can. Shame I can't take da lucky stick! Hopefully the 5+ feel no payne will save him.

The bullyboys are there to just look awesome. I'll have to proxy in 4 meganobs though (I've only got 11+warboss at the moment). They'll just hare up the board and pummel the 'umies...well, until the trukk blows up anyway.

Should be a fun list to play! I'm wondering how useful the green tide actually is, but I'll try it and if it doesn't work I'll got for the ork horde detachment instead!