Time for another introduction post! My name is Dan, and the chaps at Paint Hammer have kindly accepted me onto the blogging team where I hope to be able to contribute some of my progress with my multiple Warhammer Fantasy armies, as well as posting about a few round based games (and I'm not talking about 9th Ed ^_^) as well as other games systems.

My Warhammer armies currently comprise Wood Elves and Tomb Kings, with a Bretonnian army on sprues just waiting to be built and/or squatted. I also have a few models here and there that I've bought for the joy of painting, including a Warriors of Chaos Nurgle Lord for this painting series we've got on at the moment!
My friends say I'm somewhat of a hobby butterfly. I can't help but get distracted by a new madcap army idea, a different paint scheme to try, the latest fantastic models released by whoever and miscellaneous crazy plans. As a result, I have accumulated far too much unpainted stuff, which hasn't actually Here is an example of one of the stacks of stuff I have to deal with:

I just have so much hobby enthusiasm to give, that's my problem! It is my hope that blogging my progress on my various projects will help me crack on with backlog and actually get most, if not all, of it painted!

It'll be a fun journey, with no small amount of frustrations along the way, but the hobby backlog needs to cleared. In an attempt to motivate myself and actually enjoy the plastic and resin I already have I'm going to make that pledge that we've all heard before...

No more until it's all done.

There, it's been said! Publicly too. So Paint Hammer, are you with me? Ready to a madcap hobby journey filled with Elves, Tomb Kings, tanks, Tyranids and more besides? I'm not sure I am, but here goes!

First up will be the Nurgle Lord I mentioned before, I have just over a week to get him assembled and painted, and I have a few fancy new rust paints I'm keen to try out!

Until next time!

- Dan