I'll be honest, these spambots are killing me. I'm getting so many now that it's pretty much destroyed any chance of me following how many legitimate visits the blog is getting. It's also skewing my 'favourite posts' list as they hit the same blog posts many times, forcing them into the top 10. Needless to say my enthusiasm has taken a hit too as a consequence!

May is turning out to be a lean month for blog posts from me, in spite of killer bots. It's not that hobby things aren't being done… I just can't talk about them. Secrets within secrets.

In addition, we're having some major work done on the house over the summer and I'm in the process of emptying the garage. This has provided the perfect opportunity to assess each box, bag, blister, sprue and case in my collection and decide whether it really is worth hanging on to or whether the space would be better used for something else (new).

Needless to say, I'm offloading a load of stuff on ebay over the next few weeks. This cull is so brutal that even my large Iron Warriors collection came within a whisker of finding itself for sale… but I just couldn't do it. As much as I have no interest in 40k right now (I don't see how I ever will again), there's too much history associated with some of those models.

Some of my Zombicide kickstarter stuff is already gone and there will be a heap of 40k, Malifaux and random bits going up this weekend. It sounds drastic, but I haven't looked at this gear for years so would rather recycle and use the cash for new shiny things.

The models that have managed to stay are getting new storage cases/boxes so that everything will be snug and well protected. I've found too many casualties already and don't want a repeat.

So what does this mean for the blog?

Not a lot really. I'm hoping that I can reveal some major secret stuff very soon. The latter half of June should see a more regular gaming night so hopefully there should be more game reports and characterful posting like our Blood Bowl spell a year ago.

In the mean time I'm teaching Jnr the power of the Dark Side…