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There's a lot happening on my side of the universe, and much of it I'm trying to get done before I get swallowed into a black hole.  What the hell does that mean?  For those who don't know, I'm on a countdown to a deployment into the Middle East and trying to tie up a lot of loose ends before I get there, and I'm nearly done.  Obviously, this whole life-altering change of venue will have a big impact on my family and "real" life, which come well before my writing life, so...  A lot of gear-changing going on right now and for the near future.   

For today, I'm just here to post two things of many that have been happening lately:

1. My new "Conspiracy Newsletter" now exists, which you can sign up for in the left upper corner of this blog, and/or by clicking this link.  I can safely promise not to bombard you with emails through this medium, as I will barely have time to write new material, much less mess around with cyberspace.  But from time to time, I will use this as a means of keeping in touch with my readers and those interested in what book is coming next, when something new is out, and with occasional priority offers and deals.

2. Which also includes a first crack at a free download of the new TARNISH audiobook, narrated by the talented Todd Menesses.  In the next few weeks I'll be sending out my first Conspiracy Newsletter and including a chance at a limited number of free downloads, so if you're not on the list yet, I suggest you sign up!

I've also produced a couple more paperback editions of ebooks recently, and also had my most successful book signing event to date just a couple weeks ago, but haven't had time to blog about them.  I obviously have other pressing matters to attend to, which I should actually be working on right now.  So, I better be signing off for now...

But don't you forget to sign up!  Thanks for reading!