I've owned x Wing from Fantasy Flight games for several years since the original wave 1was released. The game is great fun. It's fast, relatively simple to learn, but the combination of ships, pilots and upgrade cards allows for a very deep gaming experience. Also buying ships is somewhat addictive!

If you fancy looking at how the game works the fantasy flight forum (yes, they have a community site on their own website!!!) is very informative, and also YouTube is a rich source of information. You can watch games, including things like the world champs finals which is really cool. One of the best starting points is the Team Covenant site which is very professionally done. There are also several good X Wing podcasts. Nova Squadron Radio and The Kessel Run are my favourites, although I do find that Nova Squadron gets bogged down with a concept they call Math Wing which takes a lot of the fun out of the game!

One of the best things about the game is developing and flying your own ships. I love the imperials and do not really fly the Rebels or Scum ships.

Anyhow, I decided to do X Wing at the Club Challenge this year. The CC is a multi system team event that used to be a huge deal, but now seems to be a yearly battle between the Dragon Slayers (my club) and the Terra Nova Griffons from Liverpool. I have picked my two lists:

Currently the  Imperial list suffers hugely against turrets and high pilot skill lists, mostly because Whisper gets killed really fast if she cant recloak. I played a small event at the Outpost last weekend and got battered in all tree games. I really should have taken the interceptor swarm that I have played a lot, but I tried to be a bit clever and have failed!

The Rebel list is pretty cool - Dash with a Mangler doesn't suffer the range problem that he has with the Heavy Laser Cannon, and the two B Wings are pretty solid. So what is the problem here...? I haven't actually tested it and only theorized the list!

I'm looking forward to getting in a load of games and having a good time, but I'm expecting very little. If i'd wanted to do better I really should have played Fantasy!