This week sees another Sov join the fray. Judge Alexandrov is bringing a little heat to the party. Armed with a large carbine, this judge is the first specialist to join my little invasion force. My Judgement Day posts are quite Sov-centric at the moment, soon there will be enough for a playable force. Then the invasion fun can really begin.
I added a little more to the base this time. In the back you can see a smashed Mega City One judge's helmet, no doubt blasted off it's former owner by high calibre shells meted out by Alexandrov here. I've plans for adding a few more Dredd-themed basing bits to some of the other Sov models, especially on the larger bases.
Goddam stub guns. |
There are a lot of nicely themed forces playable for the Apocalypse War as well as judges. Citi-Def units and Apocalypse War resistance units are both appealing, with a nice urban camo scheme perhaps, though the khaki and black sometimes worn by American riot police is pretty good too.
And then there were three. |
Next week it's back over the the
Sho3box for more Dredd-flavoured fun.