While working on my flesh tearers I caught the 40k bug.  I want to build a proper blood angel detachment to go along with my tearers.  Loving new librarian and new blood angel terminator skulpts.  Just picked up a furioso dread to go along with my termies.  Nice 500 point package. 

Terminator Librarian -melta gun, auspex

5 Assault Terminators - banner, thunder hammers.
Furioso Dred - pod, frag cannons

Total Points: 500

Plan to plug the above detachment into my existing 650 point army of flesh tearers.  I admit I've really come around to all of these detachments.  I'm having fun planning them out.  These plug and play elements all with there special rules are fun to mull around.  Also makes for easier management of projects. 

Another big reason I want to do blood angels proper is that I had front line gaming paint up most of flesh tearer army.  I love the paint job.  But rather than try and recreate it I want to start with something fresh.