Rather than working on my army for the escalation tourny I've been assembling a pure Blood Angels list.  Got carried away with wanting to start painting a new project fresh.  Really looking forward to building and painting the above army.  I need to bling up the pods and raider with some BA icons then time to spray.  Going with another army painter primer.  Learning my lessons from Iyanden and my Lizardmen, I will prime white then apply a light coat of army painter dragon red.

After red prime is down I'll switch to GW paints.  The army list is as follows:

Terminator Librarian - Level 2, Combi- Melta

5 Thunder Hammer Terminators - Banner, Land Raider Crusader, Multi-Melta
Furioso - Drop Pod, Frag Cannon

2 x 10 Tac Marines - Drop Pod, Melta-Gun, Combi-Melta, Heavy Flamer

It's going to be a bad ass looking army on the table top!  The new Eldar codex really sucked the joy out of my Iyanden army.  Glad I've rediscovered the Blood Angels.  Full steam ahead.