As my first commision paint piece in a over a decade I took on a Warhammer 30K Space Marine Sicaran Battle Tank from Forgeworld. Unlike some of the 'forgery world' pieces I've worked on in the past, this model was in pretty decent shape. It had been previously assembled and painted but nothing a little Super Clean couldn't strip right off.

After striping it down to its component parts I had to do a little bit of straightening. The bottom hull section had to be straightened but other than that the rest of the pieces were pretty straight. Regardless I had to use quite a few clamps to hold it all together during the gluing process.

There was also a bit of putty work to be done but nothing too complex. The paint I used was a combination of Vallejo Air, Vallejo Model Paint, and Tamiya Acrylics. Chiping with the sponge technique weathered with oil washes.

 I love the rusty exhausts.

 The side sponsons have been magnetized for swapping.

The lenses were colored using Tamiya Clear Acrylics.

If you're interested in getting a piece completed let me know. I specialize in vehicles and typically work for trade.