Last weekend I went up to Warhammer World to check out the latest changes, spend money on beer and take a mooch around their massive new museum. But most importantly, to play a few games with some new friends!

Below is my brilliant little 1,750pts army. Plus Arjac Rockfist, a Wolf lord, Rune Priest and another Stormfang that needs building and painting.

I took my army for its first test run up and had fantastic fun fielding my first Drop Pod army.

"But where are the Drop Pods?" I hear you cry.

Erm... they hadn't been built yet, so I used Carlsberg cans sprayed Wolf Grey as stand-ins.

Yes, this is a new low for me. But at least they were Open-Topped!

The Wolves of Fenris are a bloody fearsome bunch. Even my little pack of 5 Blood Claws performed brilliantly.

But I have to say how awesome Ulrik The Slayer is with his 6" Preferred Enemy area of effect. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to blow up Pask's Armour 14 Leman Russ Punisher with a 4+ Invulnerable Save, which was boosted by an item to 3+ Invulnerable Save and boosted by an Inquisitor's Psychic Power to a 2+ Invulnerable Save! Re-rolling lots of 1s has an impressive effect on the game.

The Berserker Dreadnoughts were amazing as well. One even swung it's axe into the face of Inquisitor Hector Rex, killing him instantly!

Massed, focussed fire from the Drop Pods was rather astounding as well.

And finally, the Stormfang was quite simply incredible, constantly hitting with all of its weapons and annihilating its targets. So much so, I couldn't resist acquiring another one.