Hi everyone,

Today I want to continue discussing another product I bought for this diorama- the scene.

As I mentioned last week I bought a middle eastern scene set from A Czech company called Black Dog at a sale a sale price from Hannants.

The set is really nice and detailed, but it does have several problems that I will discuss briefly.
The set comes in 4 parts - a base, 2 buildings and a pair of shatters.  They are all well sculpted, but they do need a lot of cleaning.
The highlight of the set has to be the buildings, especially the larger one.  They are simply gorgeous.  Full of detail, character and bullet holes! The separate shutters fit into the larger building.

A view from behind shows that they are not a solid piece and can be used by the creative modeller from the opposite side.
The problems I have is with the base.  The detail is lovely and the buildings do fit in well with only minor tweaking, but the base itself is slightly warped and uneven.
There is also a problem with the casting, as one side is thicker than the other.  As I am placing the base into a frame, I can cover this up, but it would not suit someone just displaying it.  In that case, it would have to be sanded down.
The picture below shows how uneven the base really is.  I asked a friend to make me a frame base and he had to widen the frame.  This way I can fit the base much easier and then just fill in around the base with putty.
The last photos show how the set goes together. You have to admit, it does make a handsome picture.  I sincerely doubt if I could have made something this good, and at this scale, on my own.

So the verdict is that overall, and despite the few problems, this set is well worth the few quid spent on it. I will certainly be looking into Black Dog products in the future, and I highly recommend bookmarking their site.  I can't wait to paint it up.

Well that is it for now.  Next week I will post up some of the painting work.  So until then;

Farewell and good health,
