One of the biggest problems I have faced in my years painting miniatures is finding techniques that are fast and give effective finishes. I have a Warriors army and I was looking to add some actual warriors to the army but I didn't want to spend ages painting them as we all know that the edition is changing and who knows what we will actually need.

Luckily I had some advice from painting guru Ben Johnson, formerly of the Bad Dice Podcast, who had painted some Heresy Marines in an effective but quick style, and I thought this would work well for the Warrior sculpts.

Step 1: Spray all the models black!

Step 2: Base coat! I used the new GW large Basecoat brush which I am liking quite a lot at the moment and painted the model with Vallejo Model Air Black Metal.

Step 3: Take a sponge and sponge on some Vallejo Gun Grey (less is more - you can always add some later)

Step 4: Sponge on some Vallejo Aluminium with a bit more care (but not that much!)

Step 5: Paint the Capes (Naggaroth Nightmare), Boots (Rhinox Hide), Fur and Skulls (Rakarth Flesh), and Horns and Weapon shafts (Abaddon Black)

Step 6: Edge highlight the cloaks with Xereus Purple

Step 7: Wash the Rakarth Flesh areas with a wash (I tended to use either Reikland Flaseh Shade or Nuln Oil)

Step 8: Highlight the fur extremely quickly with White - I tried to avoid drybrushing the fur, but I'm sure that would work fine

Step 9: Base with Agrellan Earth.

And that is it. Using this technique I managed to do 35 Warriors in less than five days painting no more than an hour a night. The unit looks great on the table and will match perfectly with the existing models. I now want to see if I can employ the same technique on a unit of Marauders (I am assuming that Chaos will still be a thing in The Age of Sigmar..)