As is pretty typical for me I've taken some time off from writing new articles on the blog.  Most of this dealt with work but I've been pretty busy at home trying to clear out clutter so my wife and I can put our house up for sale.  Needless to say my hobby time, already limited, shrank even further.  I did manage to keep up some hobby activity and I made some important moves to grow the gaming community here in the local region.  Tonight I'll give an update on what I've worked on in my absence, what I want to work on in the near future, and what readers can expect to see on the blog moving forward.

Growing the Community
My longtime friend and partner in crime, Miniature Tim, and I started an Infinity community for the St. Louis Metropolitan area.  We set up a Facebook page and, shortly after Adepticon, we started pulling the community together for our first event, an escalation league.  We've had some help from Chris, the WarCor for Central Illinois, who has been gracious enough to come down on league nights despite the long drive.  So far the community is still small but we managed to get 10 players for our Escalation league (despite a couple later drops due to scheduling).  Currently we play out of Game Nite and have our schedule posted on Facebook.  In the future we hope to expand to a few other game stores but we are focusing on growing the community at Game Nite for the time being.  If you are local and want to play, get a demo, or just watch, come on out!  We'll be happy to explain the game, answer questions, or get a game in with you!

Games Played
Most of the games I've played since my last post consisted of league games for the Infinity Escalation League.  Currently we plan on running a tournament to finish off the league and I'm sitting in fourth place with my Morats.  I did great up until the league started adding in objectives that required specialists.  But I won't delve to deep into the performance of Morats right now.  I plan a separate post on that in the future.  Other than league games and the stray open play games or demos I've managed to sneak in a couple Warhammer Fantasy games, my first Malifaux 2.0 game, and a couple Wrath of Kings games.

So far I'm still completely enamored with Infinity but I do enjoy the other games.  I'm also excited to start back into historical games.  I'd look to add Firestorm Armada (normal and Planetfall), Dropzone Commander, and Robotech but I simply don't have enough time.  Too many cool games that I'd love to try but don't have time to play, much less hobby.

Hobby Focus
I admit it.  I've completely failed the hobby aspect lately.  I've painted two figures since Adepticon and one of those isn't even finished (Nomad Mobile Brigada and a mostly finished Spektr).  My Morats still sit mostly unpainted or partially painted and now I actually need to move on.

So what do I have planned for the near future?  I need to paint my Icestorm PanOceania for some upcoming demos I am trying to plan.  I also need to paint up some Hassassins for GenCon demos.  Other than that I need to paint up some terrain, assemble more Wrath of Kings and Malifaux, and work on my historical stuff.  I wanted to start my historical rush in July but with me attending GenCon and assisting with demos I need to finish up that work first.  So I plan to focus on my historical models in August.

As previously mentioned I'm running a number of events for the community here in St. Louis.  These are open events so players from outside of St. Louis are welcome but make sure to check the latest on the Facebook page as events may move if we can't get enough players committing to a specific event/date.

Did I mention I'm going to GenCon?  I plan to play in the Thursday tournament and assist with Demos on Friday.  Otherwise I'm soaking in my first GenCon since it was located in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.  I'm super excited that Corvus Belli will be there and giving a seminar (I have my ticket purchased, do you?) and also that my two favorite artists, Larry Elmore and Tony DiTerlizzi, will be present.  I plan on bringing my art books from both and having them sign them.  I might even pick up some prints if they have them available.  Otherwise I'll hit the vendor hall in my recurring quest to own every single AD&D 2nd Edition Planescape sourcebook.

The Blog
I am going to try really hard to post weekly updates and to mix up the type of posts.  While I enjoy writing Strategy/Tactics articles I need to vary my content a little more to keep everyone interested so I'll be trying to post different things every week (even if the high level topic remains the same over a few weeks).

I really want to give the blog a facelift but, I don't want to commit to it since my time is limited and I'd rather give my readers content rather than pretty dressings.  Nonetheless, if I can get a few articles scheduled in advance I'll work on overhauling the blog.

Upcoming Posts:  

Morats in N3
Hacking in N3 (continuation to the series I started here)
Analyzing N3 Data
Overview and Start of Wrath of Kings
Coming back to Malifaux
Skaven Bonebreaker Conversion (finally)
Battle Report (Either Infinity, Wrath of Kings, or Warhammer Fantasy)
Painting Progress (Whatever I'm working on)