Last weekend was the Broadsword Wargame Show in Sittingbourne which is run by the Milton Hundred Wargame Club.
You can find out about the Hundred of Milton, as it is usually called, but more properly Middleton, here.
Below are a few photos I took in the couple of hours I had before I had to rush home for the next round of house renovation: which is why my posts have been a bit erratic recently.
A touch of the jolly old Hornblowers here: the seascape really set off the display.
I've forgotten the name of this trader but he had some lovely Dark Age figs.
Ian 'Geronimo' who runs Fenris Games, a business local tome at Chatham Dockyard.
He has some great classical models that he imports. Apparently they are selling faster than he can get more. Take a look at that minotaur, perfect for some of the Osprey skirmish games.
Mi-Go and all things Lovecraftian.
A more traditional game from the chariot era.
Loved this Joker Fairground, the display was showing off the new Batman Game.
Show models are getting bigger. These looked to be around 1/32. Reminds me, I must finish my Berlin terrain and Tiger II.
My wife was very taken with these hand-crafted giant trees.
A closer look at the colonial warfare models.
The Gravesend chaps playing a great Border Reiver game. The hand out had me in stitches.
Finally one of the loopier games undertaken by the Medway Club.
Broadside Wargame Show, Kent
by John Lambshead | Jun 18, 2015