Released in 2005, they seemingly disappeared less than a year later, replaced by the much more popular plastic rendition once the next codex arrived. Now, whether this was because the kits sold poorly, or bad timing, nobody knows, but since then this set is a rare find, with single figures easily reaching £15 each. Thankfully I managed to find a full set for much less, though it does need some work...
For the unit champion, I did little. I really like the power fist and bolt pistol arms, and the body is mostly good. I did swap out the chain sword for a modern one, since the blade was too wide and impractical for my liking (the teeth would get stuck in the motor because they were too big. I also fixed the 'clown shoe' with the tip of a Raptor's foot. A plastic possessed backpack was added to finish the model off.
This guy will require a bit of Greenstuff work, but other than that he will be mostly stock, apart from a new-age backpack and a small shoulder pad from the Grave Guard set.
The third guy was missing an arm, so I cleaned up the area and used a plastic arm. The hand is from a plastic Horror, whilst the sword in an Evil Craft item. A should pad was added to the bare left arm for balance.
Number four is pretty good as standard. but the one thing I hated was the axe head, which had the same oversized impractical look of the champion's chain sword. An Ork choppa was used to replace it.
The final guy was one of my favourite sculpts, even if the face is a bit goofy. This will be covered up later on. I've also added a pair of shoulder pads to tie him in with the other models.
I need to do a bit of sculpting work, but once that's done, I can enjoy painting these often overlooked models from gaming history.