This week we'll be catching up on all this blogging stuff - or at least we'll try.  Last weekend we finished our latest campaign, and though we didn't do well at recording it in real time we do have a log!  We're back in the pit again!

Tales of the Alliance
 Part I

of the

Deathwind Corridor, the Outer Rim

The battle for the galaxy is in full swing!  In the Outer Rim, there are many secrets held by the folk that live there, and one of those secrets is the existence of a planet called Roon.  Long the subject of spacer and smuggler legend, the planet does exist...and shortly before the Battle of Yavin, the Empire became aware of it as well.

Enveloped in a near un-navigable cloud of space gas and debris called the Cloak of the Sith, Roon has enjoyed a fair bit of obscurity - but all that is changing.  Sparsely populated, Roon has much in the way of mineral wealth...but getting through the Cloak is no easy endeavor.  The route to nearby Ryloth is called Deathwind Corridor - a clear path through the Cloak.  Roon is encircled by a ring of asteroids as well...making it an unpleasant journey for those who are unprepared.

In the starlit skies and over the blood-soaked ground all across the Empire, the Alliance will clash with it's hated enemy.  Roon holds many secrets indeed...including a Rebel staging point that is set to liberate this portion of the Fringe from the Empire's grasp once and for all.  In the sky, on the small groups and in large armies the fate of the Outer Rim will be decided in deadly combat.

Umboo Province, Planet Roon

It is four months after the Battle of Yavin.

The Rebel Alliance has had an outpouring of support from across the galaxy, but the Galactic Civil War has just begun.  The Alliance now tries to consolidate it's victory, in precarious position as the tide of public sentiment turns against the enemy.  As one, many worlds under the sway of the New Order publicly rally against the tyrannical rule of the Emperor.

On the Outer Rim planet of Roon, the Rebellion has secretly been building a force capable of challenging the Empire on the Fringe.  This fleet of starships is the only thing protecting the people of this region who have supported the Alliance, and the time quickly approaches where it will be tested in the fires of battle.  The secrecy of the fleet headquarters is paramount to an Alliance victory.

Into this simmering warzone come a band of freedom fighters, who do not yet have any idea just how important this seemingly irrelevant and remote place will change all of their lives and affect the course of the Galactic Civil War.

Hand of the Empire is a Star Wars Roleplaying Game D20 Revised campaign.  Every campaign day will contain two battle scenarios linked with the RPG campaign.  An X-Wing scenario will showcase the Rebel's battle against the Imperial fleet.  The scenarios will tell a story of bloody man-to-man-to-alien fighting.

Each weekend event will focus different victory conditions and will grant Campaign Points for various achievements, such as destroying a TIE fighter, or repelling an assault by a Stormtrooper platoon.  The rules, scenario, victory conditions and rewards for each scenario will be dictated on the very day of the battle for maximum surprise, but a record will be kept here.    Man your ships and grab your blasters - it's time to join the Galactic Civil War, already in progress...

Campaign points earned in X-Wing will affect the outcome of each scenario in the RPG.  We like nested campaigns, and Star Wars is truly satisfying to explore with the idea that the Galactic Civil War is our playground, much like other worlds we visit through the Wargate.  Plenty of surprises are in store at every level of this campaign!

Current Player Characters
Total Party Levels: 15
  • Jeth Kleen - Human Tech Specialist [3]
  • Velious Solearn - Duros Outlaw Tech [3]
  • Leeroy McBeeny - Human Fringer [3]
  • Dax Vorland - Devaronian Shipjacker [3]
  • Landos Caribean - Human Noble [3]
  • Ibain Korothi - Human Soldier [3]
Deceased Player Characters

Campaign Log
Total Game Time: 16.5 hrs

Hand of the Empire
(04.12.15 to 06.28.15)
Total Session Time: 16.5 hrs

Our group of dissidents have had enough of the Imperial encroachment on Roon.  They have reached out to the Alliance...and were answered.  Now, to get involved in this here effort to restore the Republic...

The rebels latch on to the Alliance fairly quickly.  They locate a Rebel operator, and get down to business with a fairly important mission:  knock out a listening post by a certain time, and deliver a crate of arms to rebel operatives.  Easy enough...but it took some doing.

After securing a vehicle, the rebels head for the station.  After overpowering a scout trooper left to effect modifications on the outpost, the group sabotages the station and heads for the rendezvous.  There, they meet a rebel troop transport and gain passage to the rebel fleet.

Once back in Quor, the battle begins in earnest as the Imperials move from their hidden bases on the night side.  Alliance command is cut off from the rest of the city, but our intrepid rebels manage to gain entry and aid the embattled command staff to safety.  This earns the trust of the Alliance commanders on Roon, but it almost costs the group their lives as they flee the bombardment of the starport seconds ahead of it's annihilation by Screed's star destroyer.

After that, the rebels turn their attention to rebuilding Quor.

Campaign Resolution

The murder of a top Alliance official on Roon sparks an investigation into her death.  The two competing Ryloth cartels are at each other's throats, and one might be in league with the Imperials.  Our heroes attempt to salvage bits from the ruin of Quor...but can't seem to find a car, a ship or any droids.

The battle for Roon will continue.  Screed's fleet grows as a number of capital escorts join the Imperial Fleet on the Night Side.  In the midst of this are our rebel heroes...stubbornly digging through the rubble of their home looking for spare parts.