Forge World shows the Alpha Legion love with ten new helmets and five new torsos.
The head sculpts are spectacular.
The torsos are pretty cool too!
From Forge World:
Cloaked in rumor and shrouded by deception, what is known of the Alpha Legion is a tattered patchwork of half-truths and conjecture. Even before the dark days of the Horus Heresy, identification of its warriors was proving increasingly difficult as the Legion’s heraldry was constantly changing, with chains, scales, hydras and ancient Terran letters noted as becoming more prevalent on the armour of those thought to belong to the XXth.
Cloaked in rumor and shrouded by deception, what is known of the Alpha Legion is a tattered patchwork of half-truths and conjecture. Even before the dark days of the Horus Heresy, identification of its warriors was proving increasingly difficult as the Legion’s heraldry was constantly changing, with chains, scales, hydras and ancient Terran letters noted as becoming more prevalent on the armour of those thought to belong to the XXth.
The Alpha Legion Heads Upgrade Set includes 10 resin heads for Mk IV and Mk VI armour. The Alpha Legion Mk IV Torsos Upgrade Set includes five resin Mk IV torsos, each with various
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