So over the weekend I got all caught up in the buzz of building and painting my first Age of Sigmar model, the Stormcast Eternal which came free with this week's White Dwarf. Also being this week's Lightning round Painting Challenge gave me a nice incentive to paint him up quickly.

Its a really nice model (with tonnes of conversion potential as we will see with the challenge submissions at the end of the week) which painted up really quickly and easily. All of the parts are easily accessible once assembled making painting super easy. The whole kit will be great for new players getting into the hobby and learning how to paint. I have painted it my to match my empire army (which will be getting round based in the coming weeks) and this will be my painting scheme for the rest of my Age Of Sigmar Stormcasts. 

My only complaint with the model is that the sprue join points have not been place very well on the shoulder pads, clipping off is extremely hazardous and could (and did in my case) result in a lots of detail on the hammer insignia. This may have been done to optimise plastic mould flow but I think this could have been done better personally.

Anyway let me know what you think guys, quite excited to start painting up my war host next week, I think I wil have about 200 wounds of models to play with for my Army of Sigmar!

So to submit your entry please DM via twitter with your pics and Ill create a blog post which will go live next Monday.