So last night I painted the first 4 models for my Fishermen Guildball team. Was a nice fun project to have on the side and I’m looking forward to finishing the rest of my team and playing my first game. I really like the models and they are in great poses but to be critical I think some of the detail  is a bit flat and lacking in depth/crispness (face in particular lack detail in my opinion) compared to GW models. Maybe I am spoiled but wasn’t quite as happy with them as I had hoped. Also the models are a lot smaller than I had expected, I think being so expensive and only requiring such few models I feel the game would have benefitted for 1.5x the current scale. I suspect this is because their unit cost is high from buying and moulding with a 3rd party.

I was really pumped up to start and complete this project but the excitement for Age of Sigmar, 40k, battlefleet gothic and the Darklands kickstarted has taken up a lot of enthusiasm (im super excited for all those!). Anyway let me know what you think, quite happy with the paint job, not my best work but good enough for a game I will probably play 2-3 times a year lol!