This week I'm throwing up a cheeky submission for Judgement Day. The very tiny Sov satellat. This was originally intended to be an addition to a larger submission, but there you go. I could bore you with various excuses about life annihilating hobby time over the last week or two... so that's pretty much what I'll do.

Taking excuses as read, let's look at the wee satellat. The satellat is most associated with agent Orlock, East Meg One's finest assassin/saboteur/master of espionage, and instigator of the block mania outbreak that preceded the Apocalypse War. This little robot has gotten Orlock out of a couple of scrapes over the years, with a loud BLLLLEEEEEEEE! to warn out approaching danger.

This little fella has already seen action on the tabletop, causing much irritation to Cheetor's Judges in our initial skirmish. You can read about that here. Speaking of which, the Sovs are now at league strength. Here's a shot of the whole squad.

There are several more members of the league to be added yet, but it's pretty satisfying getting them to a gaming size force. More (and most likely more than a tiny robot head) Judge Dredd fun from Sho3box next week.