The final unit in my 4pt Anglo Saxon Saga army is another point of warriors.

Like all their comrades, these are Gripping Beast plastics, distinguished from the other unit of warriors by their pose - a fighting stance for this unit, and at ease for the other.

With these guys completed, the 4pt starter army is finished. I have already started assembly of another eight warriors to boost the size of both warrior units to twelve men each, and another dozen levies.

My practice games, mostly against an Irish warband, have shown the need for larger units. With so many abilities tied to unit size or only available to units with ten or more men, the warband simply doesn't function with small units.

My six point warband will be arranged as follows:

Hearthguard x4
Warriors x12
Warriors x12
Levies x12
Levies x12

The four large units will form the main battle line, with the hearthguard as a reserve. I may mount them on horses to increase their mobility.

I also intend to make and paint some dark ages scenery and objectives to enable us to play a campaign - think houses, cows and perhaps a burgh.

Before then, we'll see some of the other things that I've been working on.