More pictures can be found in:
Mission: Exterminatus (Apoc book)
Imperium: 9k
Nids: 9k
Dark Eldar: 2k (disruption force)
View of the battle from the right flank |
Dreadclaw dropped into Nids line |
Imperial Left flank |
This tank killed the Nids supreme warlord in 1 shot with its volcano cannon |
Fellblade aiming its turret at the nids lurking at the ruins |
Some Skitarii positioning in ruins |
Angron kill the charging carnifex in 1 round of close combat |
The Reaver titan arrives |
Imperial left forces push forward |
Angron charging the Hierodule |
Killing the gargantuan monster in 1 round of CC before the beast can strike back |
Titans face off |
Castigator knight titan supporting the Reaver titan |
Nids pods surround the objectives |
A view from the reaver titan shoulder |
Knight titan counter the Nids dropping into the objective zones |
Fellblade scanning for other targets |
Hierophant make short work of the castigator knight titan |
Harridan zoom in for the kill |
A Dark Eldar raiding force appear to capture slaves and bio morphs in the chaos |
Knight titan charge the Mawloc |
2nd knight titan charge another Mawloc |
3rd knight titan charge the zoans |
Surviving terminators couldn't hold the hierophant back |
Harridan zoom closer to reaver titan to bypass its void shields |
Knight titan couldn't pierce the zoan Psychic shield |
Machine Vs Beast |
Flyrants came from behind to capture the vital objective |
Razorwing down the wounded Hierophant in an attack run |
It was a blast, this is the first time playing an Apoc game with fully painted miniatures on the table. Hopefully there will be more Apoc games to come.