I just played Age of Sigmar at Games Workshop in Aylesbury. It was actually a really good laugh! Overall I really like it. However, there are many reasons why I won't be playing Age of Sigmar.

When we started playing, the first thing I said was that if felt as though I was playing Warcraft 3. Not necessarily a bad thing. But as soon as we hit the Hero Phase with abilities and spells firing off everywhere, that's when it REALLY felt like Warcraft 3.

Seriously, take a look at the design of the recent End Times units and the units in the Age of Sigmar box. They're all big, chunky and super detailed miniatures in very gaudy paint schemes. The Undead are now purple, just like in Warcraft 3. Go check it out if you're not familiar. You may be surprised!

One thing I did find was that the names of units were ridiculously elaborate than even I couldn't remember what they were in the middle of a game. So names like "Battle Cat" and "Mr Whippy" stuck instead.

Note: Here in the UK "Mr Whippy" is the name of an ice cream truck franchise.

The game was fun, but serious questions about balance and army building linger. Currently players are in the dark. They're still in the dark now that the big hard backed rule book is coming out. And I know from personal experience that expecting your opponent to play "in the spirit of the game" is a fool's hope at best.

The Chaos miniatures are DELICIOUS!

I just had to say it. It makes me almost wish I was building a Khorne Daemonkin army for 40K, because all of these models would be included in it. Sure, they'd need some serious conversion work, but it would be totally worth it. Especially the Khorne Lord.

The Stormcast Eternals are Space Marines. Their background reads as Space Marines and the cover art for the Age of Sigmar book looks like a Space Marine fighting a Chaos Space Marine.

Is that such a bad thing?

Well, Games Workshop has probably figured out that Space Marines sell really well, so bringing a Space Marine army to Warhammer is the best way to rejuvenate it - Along with destroying the whole universe, uniting various factions and practically starting from scratch.

Why Won't I Be Playing Age of Sigmar?

Because it currently looks like a small fantasy skirmish game. Like Warmachine, like Hordes, like Malifaux even.

But then, if it needs to scale up dramatically compared to the starter box for tournament play, then we're back into the realms of Warhammer Fantasy Battles or even Warhammer 40K, where we need a high count of miniatures to play our games.

So if Age of Sigmar stays small, I'm more inclined to play Warmachine & Hordes - although I actually play Malifaux already and I frickin' love it.

If Age of Sigmar gets big, I (like many people) only have the time and money for Warhammer 40K.

It's a game that's in a difficult place. Especially when the skirmish market is heavily saturated with some already awesome games.

I'm Playing Malifaux Instead

Malifaux has the fun pick up n' play element, the in depth strategy and list building element, beautiful miniatures and an awesome setting. Not to mention that you can pick up a crew box for the same cost as your average box of Games Workshop miniatures.

Thanks for reading my thoughts. But don't let my rambling put you off buying into Age of Sigmar if it floats your boat.