Well, I've been hard at work wrapping up the display/demo table for Relic Knights that will make its debut at GenCon next week. I talked a lot with John Cadice (Creative Director at Ninja Division) and we decided on a lovely mix of bubblegum pop and edgy grunge - imagine a Cerci hab-district assembled from pre-fab components fifty years ago, and then left to decay, with inhabitants that don't really give a damn about upkeep. Unsavory characters have moved in and the area has drawn some Star Nebula Corsairs, ready to plunder.

I then went to work with Alex Landing from Ironheart Artisans, designing the pre-fab parts that would make up the district, and generally looking for ways to add layers of detail and character to the board. It's taken a while to get it to this point, including quite a few late nights (cutting into my regular hobby time).

I hope you like these pics. I'll post a few more teasers on the Dave Taylor Miniatures FB page over the next week, but if you'd like to see it in person be sure to head to Booth 1943 at GenCon to check it (and the game of Relic Knights) out.
